Yes, vegetables and fruits make you happier and that’s why

There is no possible recipe that guarantees happiness, but if we had to write one, the two ingredients that would top the list would, of course, be the main ones: Serotonin and dopamine. The first controls emotions and moods, and the second: pleasure. They are two neurotransmitters in the brain that we can activate with certain foods.

“Although there are no foods rich in or containing serotonin, There are precursors of its production, such as tryptophanobtained through our diet. see the airCulinary Consultant and Nutritionist at Florett. In fact, the brand Salad And The Veggie has published a report called Eat Well to Be Happy, which reveals that 71% of Spaniards are happy to include it. fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Of course, only 20% claim to wear a healthy diet. Among the main reasons are lack of time to prepare and plan recipes and It is difficult to come up with healthy dishes that the whole family will like.

According to the results of the survey, improvements in the emotional level when following a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables is evident. In this sense, participants claim to feel calm (36%), focus and face daily tasks with greater enthusiasm or see lower levels of stress. worry (28% in a row).

The emotional benefits of vegetables

Other compounds related to happiness and mental well-being and having specific effects on people’s moods and even cognitive performance are:

  • Vitamin CIt is found in foods such as watercress, carrots, or lettuce, as well as many fruits. Boosts serotonin production.
  • japaIt is a component that controls the central nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and Stress, as well as for better comfort. We find it in broccoli, cauliflower or spinach.
  • magnesium: Consumption of this mineral also causes an increase in serotonin production. In addition, it is necessary to convert thyroid hormone into dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, attention and memory. Watercress, chard, coriander or spinach are vegetables that contain this substance.
  • iron: A deficiency of this mineral can lead to a decrease Concentration A decline in attention and memory. It interferes with the function and synthesis of some neurotransmitters. Also, to suck iron vegetables (green beets, swiss chard, spinachlettuce or turnip) it is important that it be combined with ingredients containing vitamin C.
  • flavonoids: The BroccoliCabbage, cabbage, or arugula are some of the vegetables that contain these phytonutrients, that help improve cognitive performance and reduce risk mental illness.
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Flavor is important.

In addition to the nutritional part, there are other factors related to food that also influence the emotional well-being we seek. a) yes, The the taste It is an essential issue to consider. In fact, according to Florette, 85% of Spaniards today would be happier if they knew that a delicious dish awaited them later.

also, Expect to eat out or discover new medical prescriptions They are other reasons that generate a better mood.

Sustainability, more and more in mind

The Sustainability It is another aspect that worries us more and more when choosing the healthiest products. 75% of respondents admitted that they feel better when they consume sustainable products, the main reason being to encourage the consumption of local and local produce.

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