Xbox and PlayStation prepare for a new co-op game that will arrive in January 2023

The Xbox and PlayStation players get ready for a new co-op game Which is coming pretty soon since We Were Here Forever is finally coming to consoles early next year. We Were Here Forever is the fourth game in the series. We were here, a unique multiplayer online-exclusive co-op franchise that began in 2017 with We Were Here. The first game We Were Here Too followed in 2018 and a third installment known as We Were Here Together in 2019.

We Were Here Forever has been available for PC gamers since May of this year. It retains the trademark of the franchise that focuses on online co-op puzzle solving, in which players must communicate with each other to escape from the perilous Antarctic castle. It’s one of the rare games, like It Takes Two, to be played cooperatively, with no other single player options available.

Xbox and PlayStation prepare for a new co-op game that will arrive in January 2023

Date We Were Here Forever PlayStation and . launch X-Box It’s January 31, at which point it will be released to all Xbox consoles like One and Series X | S and also PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. We Were Here Forever We have cross-play support, so Xbox players can play with Xbox players. From PlayStation and vice versa, which should be a proper feature for all the co-op gamers.

We’ve been here forever on PC It has managed to get pretty positive reviews since its original release earlier this yearAnd we don’t think there’s any reason to expect that the console versions We Were Here Forever will have a different reception, except for unexpected technical issues, which is a scenario we can’t completely rule out.

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