World Voice Day “Your Voice Matters” | Faculty of Medical Sciences – Faculty of Audiology

the Faculty of Audiology in the Faculty of Medical Sciences invites you to participate in a series of interventions in the framework of World Voice Day, which is celebrated on April 16th.

The main objective of this date is to raise awareness about the importance of sound as a tool for interpersonal communication and in some cases as a working tool. Place a strong emphasis on preventing vocal pathology from the saline model. This year’s slogan is “Your Voice Matters”.

How do we celebrate World Voice Day?
Interventions from the School of Phonetics will be performed during the month of April as part of the celebrations for World Voice Day.

– Campaign to promote and prevent vocal health in Ciudad Universitaria and its surroundings, with the participation of teachers, students and graduates of the Faculty of Speech Therapy. The information will be distributed in addition to surveying the needs and requirements of the community that will allow us to further deepen our joint intervention strategies.

– Guidance interview and free advice to learn more about vocal and hearing health, from the “Your Voice Matters” campaign in the School’s Counseling and Research Department “Raquel Moret”, b. de la Reforma u/n, University City.
Shifts: Phone: 351-6291854 | web page

Free Laryngology, Speech and Language Controls, April 18th to May 5th on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 am to 10:30 am at Hospital Nacional de Clinicas, Santa Rosa 1560.

The community is invited to share their opinions on this topic on social networks through the hashtag #DíaMundialdelaVoz.
Institutional site

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