World Habitat and Habitat Day

In 1985, the United Nations decided to declare the first Monday in October as World Habitat Day, with the aim of ensuring that the development of cities would take place in a sustainable manner, which would truly guarantee all citizens their right to a dignified life. Housing.

In this regard, the great motivation behind the establishment of this day was that from the 1980s until now, it has been observed that more and more people from rural areas are leaving their homes and moving to cities, with the desire to achieve the goal of a better lifestyle.

It is estimated that by 2030, 60% of the world’s population will leave the countryside and settle on the outskirts of cities, and without good planning, this migration will only bring dismal areas, poverty, crime, unemployment, pollution and disease.

Therefore, the theme of this year’s World Day is Resilient Urban Economies. Cities as engines of growth and recovery.

We want to think about how cities can prepare to recover after global economic crises.

In 2022, the United Nations has set a specific theme to celebrate World Habitat Day, referring to Mind the Gap. Leave no one or any place behind.

In doing so, they focused on tackling inequality in cities, much of which is due to one of the issues known as the Triple C: COVID-19, climate and conflict.

The pandemic has revealed that a home is much more than just a roof. While we had to stay in our homes to be safe, we realized that a home must meet basic requirements.

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Among these requirements, the United Nations states that there is sufficient space to allow us to work, live, go out to sunbathe and obtain basic services that any human being should have access to.

The right to housing is a basic human right that must be guaranteed to all people on this planet, as confirmed by international organization documents.

Moreover, the World Day also has an award because with the aim of finding solutions to the problems that prevail in every city or country in the world, the United Nations has created the UN Center for Human Settlements Award, in which both institutions and individuals who present a possible idea can participate.

Hence, this celebration has a strong global significance and refers to the essence of human life.


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