World Champions League teams announced

The World Champions League is one of the highlights on this year’s equestrian sports calendar. The GCL has been staged for the sixth time, and is a spring assembly of high-profile passengers. The best riders ride their best horses in some of the biggest events around the world. The initial opening of the GCL will take place in Doha, Qatar, from 4 to 6 March. The event will follow in Shanghai (30.04.-02.05.2021), then the series will head to Europe, where Madrid will host the third of 16 events.

The New York Empire has a very strong squad this year – as usual – Scott Brash (UK), Dennis Lynch (Ireland) and their compatriot Shane Bryn will wave the New York Empire flag alongside Daniel Plowman and star Spencer Smith.

horse riding

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The London Knights also have a strong squad. He is represented this year by Ben Maher, the winner of the Longuines Global Champions Tour 2019, by Cameron Henley (IRE), Nicolas, Olivier Philiberts, Emily Moffett (UK) and European champion Martin Fox.

To add to the excitement of the sport, Canadian Olympic gold medalist Eric Lamaz, who joins the Cascais Charms, will be alongside Carlos Lopez and René Lopez. Daniel Deusser, who previously rides the colors of Shanghai Swans, joins the St Tropez Pirates this year, with Under-25 rider Michael Binder, Danny J Waldman and Peter DeVos from Belgium.

His compatriot Christian Ahlmann changed teams, replacing Daniel as a main player for Shanghai Swans. This team has a strong background with Margie Goldstein-Engle (US), Alexandra Thornton (UK), Lucas Porter (US), Max Kühner (AUT) and Pius Schwizer (CH).

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