summerAnd vacationthe time of the Take perspective about yourself. Also about jobabout the position it occupies in our region priority listthe way you contribute to it happiness. Time to save the word Meraki. Meraki It is one of those terms that have become fashionable like He will come to determine a behaviormethod of working Face life or do something. Meraki It’s a delicious Greek word, and it’s just as full of surprises moussaka (moussaka). Meraki is to do something love and passion. It’s giving in to activity to an extent give something from you. Meraki is what he does artist With his work, he is gardener With his flower, and Literal cut it off, and the mom with his son chef With your prescription… Meraki It’s a fine line between Passion and occupation. It creates leaving a part of your identity in the end result. And yes, you can also apply your daily work in office.
Can you work with passion in an office? From exhaustion to engagement
You have a job you can handle Meraki It is a starting point for personal satisfaction and happiness. according to Professor of Positive Organizational Psychology Marisa SalanovaWorking with passion today in the work environment that he works with Engagement. Sharing is an active, positive relationship with job And that really makes sense to you. i.e., high energy and vitality, Dedication and prideFeeling that what you’re doing is contributing to something that transcends you as a person UnlimitedAnd an expert from New Economy Forum, a new company, adds: “On the other hand, the idea that when you’re working on a task is really You are emotional, time passes and you realize that you cannot separate yourself from work. because it is important? as well as people who have been cremated Very low quality works, people who Work with passion Makes a difference, goes above and beyond, the business is excellent.”
Depersonalization, cancer of the work environment
Meraki is doing something with love and passion. It is the surrender of an activity to the point of giving something of yourself.
but works with Engagement and with Meraki It is not just a personnel issue, the company plays an essential role. The fact that many employees work as mercenaries, without interference leads to depersonalization affecting work environments. One of the direct results of all this is exhaustionhe pressure and one Mental health is on the verge of bankruptcy. On the contrary, the companies that participate in workers welfareMake it easy for them to find a place at work where they can grow and develop professionally and personally. In organizations we ask workers give max, but may not realize what they need. When employees do work Work that connects with your values And you give their passion the limit, not because the boss tells them to, but because they communicate this. Therein lies the challenge.” Marisa Salanova.
“Give me the settlement I’m leaving.”
after The big resignation (The Great Resignation) that has characterized work environments in recent years over 20 million Americans Quit their jobs between April and August 2021 – also in Spain many workers have asked for settlement to join that work migration Of those seeking to find more satisfaction in life and work. This phenomenon has set off alarm bells in departments HR of companies. There is talk of starting a company Happiness Manager To implement the policies you contribute to Care of workers. according to Javier Cantera, Ph.D., Psychologist And an expert on mental health in work settings, “Companies have increasing doses of Knowledge workers And this kind of professional needs Care To deposit their expertise in the company. Until now, people have come across a very materialistic concept of luxury — placing a tray of fruit at the entrance or recommending physical challenges — and not realizing that this Care It is another part of the seven benefits that an employee can receive: Physical, mental, emotional, financial growth, occupational, personal and social well-beinghe”.
The 12 moments companies should think about the mental health of their employees
Dealing with mental health always has two perspectives: the individual, strengthening people’s resilience, and the social intervention in people’s toxic ecosystems.
Copy b Psychological health Always two perspectives: IndividuallyStrengthening Resilience Of people, social, and meddling in toxic ecosystems of people.” In his new book Company mental health (LID editorial, 2023), psychologist Javier Cantera points out that “phenomena such as leaving jobs (The Great Resignation), Do only what is necessary (Quiet smoking cessation), disappear at work (work ghost) and the Absence from work on vacation o Days of separation can only be explained by psychological factors and businessmen and managers need to be aware of the problem Psychological health of its employees.” We can only make it possible for the word Meraki Be a reality in work environments. and points 12 minutes In which companies should you be interested in today employee mental health. Are these:
- By choosing the right people for the company in Culture and strategy And not just jobs.
- When designing a work organization Avoid routineinsane pace of work and a very high level of improvement and attitudes without much value to the organization.
- By training leaders in authenticityin its management of personnel, in the scope of its authority and management of its responsibilities.
- By creating normal combinations to work and Conflict management The relationship between individuals and groups.
- With acceptance gender diversitygeneration and others within the company in an inclusive culture.
- By establishing a culture of adequate devotion to a standard merit comfortable.
- When designing a flexible space with options for Work electronically.
- When determining opening times subject to availability, the Good luck and the Digital disconnect.
- By designing jobs and professional growth in the company with justice regulatory.
- when building a model employee experience that enable people to integrate, share and disengage.
- When developing a corporate image that has idealism and reputation.
- By visualizing needs Personal and professional change as a reality to be jointly managed.
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