Women who have played an essential role in the medical world

No matter your age, it’s always the right time for it learn new things Today we will tell you Importance that this has

The mind has many benefits when people keep studying and learning New thingsso even if you already have a college degree or think you’re old enough Learn something newthis is not like this.

To find out more about … women who have been instrumental in the world of medicine

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8, which is the day of struggle for equality, participation and empowerment of women in all areas of society.
Women are an essential part of society, and it is impossible to think of a life without them.
There are highly successful women in all walks of life, every field has the most distinct and the world of medicine is not far behind, given that there are big names in the female field who have made significant contributions to medicine.
She was a Greek physician who lived between 200 and 400 AD and is the author of the oldest known medical text written by a woman entitled: On Women’s Diseases and Their Care.
His medical writings covered many areas of medicine, such as gynecology. His work was a reference for other medical writers in ancient Greece and Rome.
Florence Nightingale
She lived from 1820 to 1910 and is a pioneer of modern professional nursing and the creator of the first conceptual model of nursing.
She laid the foundations for the professionalization of nursing in 1860 by founding her own nursing school at St Thomas’ Hospital in London.
In 2883 Queen Victoria awarded her the Royal Red Cross, and in 1907 she became the first woman to be awarded the Order of Merit of the United Kingdom. International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday.
Elizabeth Blackwell
She lived from 1821 to 1910 and is the first woman in the world who was able to practice as a physician. But of course this was not easy at a time when equality between men and women did not exist, she was rejected in ten medical schools, until she was accepted into the University of Geneva, and in 1849 she became the first woman in history to become a doctor.
Maria Skodowska-Curie
She lived from 1867 to 1934 and was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. She was the first woman to win two Nobel Prizes in different disciplines (physics and chemistry). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1922.
He discovered two new chemical elements in the periodic table: polonium and radium. The results opened the door to the development of X-rays.
Françoise Barré Senussi
She is a French biochemist and the leader in the fight against HIV in France. He chaired the International AIDS Association from 2012 to 2014.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008. He has done a lot of research against HIV.
(Information from: mitrestoreres and Medica Graphic)

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and he Importance From keep learning New things?

Until a few years ago it was believed that neurodevelopment It ended at the age of 25, but nowadays many studies confirm it thanks to its plasticity brain maybe keep learning During all life.

with the Exercise or the exercise From a new skill we help brain Produce more myelin. Through this process, neurons improve their performance by having a better connection between them. This is preferred brain Enter the new Knowledge.

By making these links, brain waves They travel and move through different areas of brain Energizing.

This can increase our positive vibes Like feeling useful or making more informed decisions.

(Photo: Freepik)

What are the benefits keep learning?

All the new activities we do help us get out of patternWe can also turn wasted free hours into something productive and entertaining.

do things monotonous It can affect our condition rejoice Even in health. break it routine It can be complicated at first and will depend on your will and curiosity to learn a new language, play a musical instrument, learn to cook, or play a new sport.

These are some of the benefits learn new things:

  • It makes us braver, because we lose the fear of trying New things.
  • It helps us meet new people. Attending classes or workshops can help us find people who share interests similar to ours.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety. By focusing on learning something that interests us and motivates us to keep moving forward and also helps with self-esteem.
  • Have more tools to solve problems. By having more information, we can combine it in more ways to devise creative responses to everyday situations.
  • Wake up and connect your senses. For example, when learning to play a musical instrument, we have to focus and coordinate each movement just as we read the score. This position is like learning sports, because our body learns movements that we have not done before.
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Follow-up learning New things important to us brain And our health, remember that it’s never too late to start something new.

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(Information from: El País, Psychology and Mind)

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