Withdrawal of the grant in cases of plagiarism

The University Coexistence Law She faces the first “candidate” in Congress for her representatives. at a nearby table 120 mods Presented by the parties, including those that refer to student and new sanctions mediation figure that you intend to implement the standard.

In its initial formulation, the text made clear its intention to end two aspects deeply rooted in the university community, such as Plagiarism and counterfeiting, through penalties such as expulsion from two to three years and the loss of partial registration rights.

The penalty is too lenient in the eyes of Vox, who suggests Banishment for at least one year From the entire national university system in case Violations are classified as very serious, and the Final loss of scholarship rights Or any other benefits of a general nature granted by the university itself and enjoyed by the student. He said violations Will not prescribe, as you request, until after 10 years, seven more than those proposed in the initial rule.

in cases Plagiarism or academic fraud in preparing a final degree project, final master’s project or doctoral thesisTraining is more blunt and suggests withdrawing a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree. This includes not only intentional copying, but also publishing “research based on Wrong or missing data Or, in general, doing actions that violate scientific ethics.”

PSOE and United We can disagree, however, in the opposite direction when trying to lower the tone of some of the points related to sanctions in the amendments jointly submitted. Specifically, they are less powerful with serious offenses and suggest that rather than affecting enrollment, students should be prevented from attending Regular call during class in which the crime was committed and in relation to the subject in which it was committed.

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The two groups, the Socialist and the Confederate, go hand in hand when it comes to the perception of academic fraud as any premeditated conduct of using another’s knowledge or information during an assessment by any copying or transfer procedure or tending to misrepresent the results of an exam or business, private or For another person, as a condition of passing a subject or crediting academic performance.

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They also refer to the government as the executing body for “the provisions necessary for the development, implementation and enforcement of the law,” as long as there is “no prejudice to the powers of the autonomous communities and the autonomy of universities.” .

In fact, they consider that the universities themselves, in the exercise of their autonomy, should develop “Appropriate means” for alternative conflict resolution in the university environmentTherefore, the mediation mechanism provided for in the rule will be ignored.

In its proposal, the pluralist group invites these institutions, both public and private, to dictate The degree of infringement in each center. The personality of the mediator is precisely one of those that generates the most friction between the two parties. While both Ciudadanos and PP defend its importance in conflict resolution, nationalist formations do not rule out dispensing with it.

Ciudadanos, for their part, requests an expansion of the list of actions considered dangerous, including those that Prohibition of holding business by associations Formed and legally recorded in the University Register or failure to comply with safety regulations when participating in training activities, especially those involving the handling of hazardous materials.

In his opinion, seizure by any fraudulent means or by him abuse confidence for the content of the test, examination or knowledge control, for their own benefit or for the benefit of others, before it is performed; Or, once the evaluation is done, look to subtract, alter or destroy formulas, questionnaires, scores or qualifications, for their own benefit or the benefit of others.

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