With 319 terabytes per second, Japan sets a new internet speed record

Researchers from Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) Set a new world internet speed record: 319 terabytes per second. This new mark is double the previous record of 178 terabytes per second Founded in 2020 By engineers from Japan and the United Kingdom.

NICT explain That the test was conducted in the laboratory and the result was achieved thanks to the use of advanced fiber optic technology, Pilot Filament of Four Cores Optical Fiber Cable, instead of one as usual, with the same 0.125mm standard font size. In addition, the experiment also established a new standard in data transmission distance, simulating a 3,001 km transmission without signal or speed degradation.

If we consider that the previous 178 Tbps mark allowed, in theory, the entire Netflix catalog to be downloaded in one second, the new record of 319 Tbps doubles the previous one It allows you to download the entire Netflix catalog, twice, in one second. That is, it is an absurdly high speed, but there is still a lot of work to be done to see it on a daily basis in homes around the world.

New record for the fastest internet speed of 319 terabytes per second in Japan

exactly like Motherboard aim, shootIt’s still a long time before you can experience the 319 terabytes per second internet speed outside the lab with all parameters and aspects in control. Using a 552-channel laser, shoot at multiple wavelengths and push through loudspeakers made of rare earth metals, make it an expensive exercise. This, in turn, will limit its use to industrial applications, for example the rapid transmission of large amounts of information over long distances, as opposed to everyday use such as playing games or consuming content.

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However, the development of the new optical fiber technology used for testing is important for everyday use. The same size as traditional fiber optic cable, but four times the capacity, This could be the new cable “easy to implement” In existing facilities, which will allow service providers to give users a speed boost.

But, beyond speed, an important detail lies in increased data throughput, which is essential for more stable connections and new forms of communication, NICT explains.

Photos – Unsplash (1And 2)

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