Will you be able to find the word “chemistry” in the alphabet soup? You only have a few seconds – teach me about science

This time we gave you a file Alphabet soup Beginner level created by a team Gorgeous Guru The word is hidden in it “chemistry” And you must find it before the clock stops. If you want to be the best, you have to stay focused and be aware from the first moment, because in this meeting you only have 8 seconds all the time

start now!

picture: Gorgeous Guru

It’s time, it’s time for you to continue figuring out the answer to this great visual challenge, but not before you learn some chemical data that may satisfy you.

circles Chemicals

  • One of the components of the dynamite composition is peanuts, because glycerol is obtained from this product, which, in turn, is used to make nitroglycerin.
  • Ducks cannot float in water that has been contaminated with detergent.
  • Lipstick is one of the most used cosmetics in the entire history of mankind, however, sometimes this product is considered dangerous because it is made of lead acetate, a substance harmful to health. If your lipstick tastes sweet, it is most likely poisonous.
  • Honey is a very sweet liquid that does not expire, due to its composition, which is mainly composed of sugar and has a low water content.
  • Gastric juices are more acidic than lemons.


After feeding your brain with some useful knowledge, it’s time to complete your visual training with the correct answer to this great challenge.

Find out the solution

picture: Gorgeous Guru

Do not forget to continue your visual and mental training with the help of other puzzles (logical, visual or mathematical) that will help you maintain a healthy brain and thus avoid cognitive decline and the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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