Why we always eat the same thing for breakfast according to science

Breakfast options often reflect utilitarian needs;  Food is often simple, quick and easy to prepare and eat (Getty Images)
Breakfast options often reflect utilitarian needs; Food is often simple, quick and easy to prepare and eat (Getty Images)

to many people, breakfastoften referred to as The most important meal of the day It is also least exciting. Choices for the first meal of the day often reflect utilitarian needs. The foods usually Simple, quick and easy to prepare and eat, Calories that refresh the body and brain after a restful night are valued. So When people find a breakfast option they like, according to a recent scientific study, they stick to it day in and day out.

When researchers recently evaluated the daily eating habits of thousands of study subjects from United States and France, they saw it People ate the same thing over and over for breakfast, And they were happy to do so. in comparison, When these people sat down to lunch or dinner, they expected more variety and wanted a more enjoyable experience from their meals.

Why were these people satisfied with eating the same breakfast every morning? Scientists suggested that Psychological, biological, and cultural drives shape our expectations for meals, and these factors and our enthusiasm for eating vary with the time of day.

Cadario and Morewedge examined previous studies and identified two goals that govern food choices: utility, where convenience is paramount, and pleasure, where pleasure is most important (Getty Images)
Cadario and Morewedge examined previous studies and identified two goals that govern food choices: utility, where convenience is paramount, and pleasure, where pleasure is most important (Getty Images)

All day and night, our bodies go on Cardiac patterns. Almost all life forms adhere to these 24-hour cycles, which Controlling physical, mental and behavioral changes. For example, a typical human sleep schedule follows circadian rhythms related to light. Tens of thousands of neurons in the brain regulate the so-called biological clock So that we feel sleepy at night when it is dark and we are more alert when the sun rises during the day, according to National Institutes of General Medical Sciences.

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circadian rhythms It also affects our feeding schedules, Other scientists have previously investigated The links between circadian rhythms and changes in the size and variety of meals people eat throughout the day, according to study Published in the January 2022 issue of the magazine appetite.

For this research, the scientists asked Whether psychological factors related to circadian rhythms can also influence what people eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. These questions also intrigued the researchers because of their breakfast habits, the study’s lead author said. Roman Cadariowho also works as an assistant professor at Rotterdam School of Management On the Erasmus University In the Holland.

“I am a person FrenchAs usual I’m looking for a lot of variety in the things I eat; This is something the French gastronomic community appreciates,” cautioned cadario. “At the same time, I was eating the same breakfast every day. So me and my co-author We started talking about this pattern of behavior.” As the world admitted in a dialogue with WordsSideKick.comAnd the His typical breakfast is a cup of coffee and a piece of toast.

Study co-author, Carrie Morwidge, Teacher Questrom Business School subordinate Boston University, have eaten andSame breakfast for the past two years: coffee, almond butter toast, “avocado, spinach, protein powder, and banana smoothie.”Books in the magazine time in December 2021).

Practicality vs. Gladly

Biology and circadian rhythms also likely play a role;  People tend to be more vigilant at the beginning of the day and will therefore be content with choosing food that they don't have to think much about (Getty Images)
Biology and circadian rhythms also likely play a role; People tend to be more vigilant at the beginning of the day and will therefore be content with choosing food that they don’t have to think much about (Getty Images)

Cadario and Morewedge Browse previous studies and specified Two goals control meal choices: the utilitarian one, where practicality is paramount; And having fun, where fun is most important. The researchers then analyzed data in which a group of 1,275 Americans and 2,624 French volunteers reported what they ate at different meals. was the goal Look for patterns.

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They found that in both groups, 68% of participants ate the same foods for breakfast at least twice a week. The French did it more than the Americans (73% and 52%, respectively). In comparison, only 9% of people repeated a dinner they had actually eaten, and this frequency was higher for North Americans (16%) than for Greeks (6%).

Cultural factors in the United States and France may explain why people want less variety in breakfasts, such as “Capital labor practices give many people less time to choose, prepare, and consume breakfasts, than do lunches or dinners,” Researchers wrote.

Biology and circadian rhythms also likely play a role; People tend to be more vigilant at the beginning of the day, and so they will be content with choosing food that they don’t have to think about much. But later in the day, when Their energy drops, they may want to eat a more stimulating meal Over lunch or dinner, scientists suggested.

However, while culture, biology, and psychology make it natural to pursue utilitarian goals for breakfast,
However, while culture, biology, and psychology make it natural to pursue utilitarian goals for breakfast, “we can pursue pleasure and seek diversity if we focus on it” (Getty Images)

Then the researchers suggested that psychological factors Circadian rhythms can also be customized for Increasing people’s push towards certain food choices. early in the day, When energy levels are higher, people are more likely to pursue utilitarian goals and make practical decisions. This makes them more likely to be guided by the practicality of the pleasure of breakfast and more likely to find the breakfast they love and then eat the same thing over and over again, according to the study.

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But As the day progresses, and a person’s energy decreases, the importance of utilitarian goals increases. The search for pleasure becomes more important, and then a person is more inclined to seek variety in flavors and textures.

However, Although culture, biology, and psychology make it natural to seek utilitarian goals for breakfast, “we can pursue pleasure and seek diversity if we put our minds to it.” Wrote Murwidge in the magazine time. In fact, analysis of the food diaries of the study participants showed that On the weekends, when people expected breakfast to be more enjoyable, they generally offer more variety on the breakfast menu.

By consciously offering weekday breakfast variations, even if it means a little extra work, breakfast can become more enjoyable, which can help set a more positive tone for the rest of the day, according to Cadario. “A little fun In the morning It helps you start your day right.” I finish.

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