Why is it shaking so much in Colombia lately?

MBeyond the popular perception of the population, that There are more earthquakes lately and Colombia is starting to get more earthquakesYou have to call calm and explain several things. But the most popular question is why it shakes so much now and it has become a trend in networks and portals.

Good SGC (Columbia Geological Service) And experts in this field, they tried to shed light on this issue, bearing in mind that there were several events of this kind last Thursday, August 17th. that day Movements and aftershocks were recorded that caused grief and some realities that you regret.

Why does it shake so much in Colombia?

According to the official interpretation of the authority in charge of geological events in the country, “Colombia is a very seismically active country because it is located in an area where the Nazca, South American and Caribbean tectonic plates meet”This means that the national territory has been affected and will be affected by earthquakes and demonstrative movements of various magnitudes.

In addition to this main explanation, Colombia is also located in an area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire., which is considered one of those with high seismic risk. In this sector of the planet, 75% of volcanoes are located, and, according to figures, 80% of strong tremors occur.

To give marks of this ‘belt’ or ‘ring’, it is made up of the mountains to the west Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Then it continues through the Aleutian Islands, along the coasts and islands of Russia, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, East Timor, Brunei, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and New Zealand.

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But back to the source of the SGC, The tremors are no longer in Colombia in recent times, what has changed is the way and the tools to detect these events. And as there are more reports and figures, there are more studies and media publications:

“There is not much increase compared to other years, and the feeling that it is shaking more is due to that We have better tools to find out and report it

Colombian Geological Service

And to give another reason for what happened in recent years, there are areas that were not inhabited before and no one felt earthquakes or reported them. but The population growth has meant that those places now have a population that is now affected by earthquakes.

How often shivering in Colombia?

Just as it is impossible to predict tremors long in advance, it is also impossible to count how many tremors there are in a day, week or month. But the Colombian Geological Service itself reports 2,500 earthquakes a month and that number is alarming, but most of them are “quite accurate” Because the depth and magnitude are not enough to be felt and/or because the epicenter is not populated or has tall buildings.

It is clear that earthquakes of larger magnitude and close to populated cities, large buildings, cause the most anxiety among ordinary people. That is why what happened in the province of Meta on August 17 gave a lot to talk about because of its proximity and influence on the territory of Bogota.

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There is an impressive number of the same SGC in studies during the 30 years of history. As posted, hmm About 300,000 Tellurian events and movements are recordedit has been officially reported and communicated.

And put an end to the notion that there have been more earthquakes in Colombia in recent times Graphs revealed by the Geological Service prove that there has been no exponential increase compared to previous years.

The place in Colombia where it trembles the most

In contrast to the accurate and specific figures for earthquakes in Colombia, the geographical aspect is easier to determine and many would like to know where there are more tremors or in which part of the country there is a higher probability of this occurring. And they appeared on the scene Santander County and Los Santos Municipality.

It is endorsed by the Colombian Geological Service and has a special name for that region in the east of the country:

“There is a place where Earthquakes occur almost every day and account for 60% of the earthquakes that occur in Colombia: is the seismic nest of Bucaramanga located in the province of Santander near the municipality of Los Santos “

Colombian Geological Service

And the director of the Seismological Observatory for the Northeast of Colombia, Carlos Lozano, explained the characteristics of the movements in the place in question: “These earthquakes occur at an average depth of 150 kilometers in, let’s say, the most seismically active region of the country which has between 12 and 20 seismic events per day, most of them generally of smaller magnitude.”.

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