Why don’t the seas mix? Science has an interesting answer – teach me about science

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Have you ever wondered why two seas, such as the Atlantic and the Pacific, can collide and remain separated? At first glance, they seem to be two different worlds in the same place. The answer to this puzzle can be found in SciencesAlthough it seems complicated, we can explain it in a simple way.


One of the most important factors is Salinity of water, i.e. the amount of salt it contains. Imagine that the Atlantic Ocean is like a soup that contains too much salt, while the Pacific Ocean is like a soup that contains too little. When these two seas meet, the difference in salinity acts as an invisible barrier preventing them from completely mixing. Salt water is denser than fresh water, so the Atlantic Ocean tends to sink below the Pacific Ocean due to its higher salinity.


In addition to salinity, Temperature Water also plays an essential role. The Atlantic Ocean is warmer compared to the Pacific Ocean. Warm water tends to be less dense, and therefore floats on top of cold, dense water. This creates a kind of invisible border between the two seas.

Imagine that Ocean currents They are like giant rivers in the ocean. These rivers carry hot and cold water around the world. When two currents with different characteristics meet, as in the Gulf of Alaska, they form a visual dividing line between the seas. Ocean currents are like water highways that transport water of different temperatures and salinities, keeping the seas separate.

The same thing happens in the Strait Tarek mountainWhere the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet. This phenomenon is called pycnocline. At first glance, it seems that the two Bahrains do not mix, but in fact they do. Researcher Kenneth Broland explained that vortices occur as a result of the mixing of layers of water at different temperatures, which refutes the belief that they do not mix.

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What is the “heaviest” ocean?

The densest ocean is Arctic Ocean. The density of seawater depends on several factors, such as temperature and salinity. In the case of the Arctic Ocean, the water is denser because it is colder and tends to contain more salinity than other oceans. This combination of cold water and high salinity makes the waters in the Arctic Ocean denser than those in other oceans, such as the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

Source: Pixabay

Although it may seem that the seas are not mixing, in fact they are mixing, but in a way that we cannot easily see. the nature It is amazing in its complexity. Salinity, temperature and ocean currents are the components of this interesting marine dance that shows us how extraordinary Earth is.

So, the next time you see a photo of two seas colliding and seemingly not mixing, remember that beneath the surface, science explains this phenomenon. Salinity, temperature, and ocean currents are the main players in this stunning design that reveals the complexity of our oceans. Next time you are near the sea, think about these hidden phenomena and appreciate the beauty and mystery of our vast oceans.

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