Who is the Argentine cardiologist nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine?

Argentine cardiologist Luis de la Fuente (89) has been nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.  The project was voted on Friday by the Supreme Council of the University of La Rioja (UNLaR).
Argentine cardiologist Luis de la Fuente (89) has been nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. The project was voted on Friday by the Supreme Council of the University of La Rioja (UNLaR).

Person Loved by all sectors and a doctor In the service of society, there are two outstanding values ​​of Luis de la Fuente (89), a scientist who has always worked for the people, Ryogan who, as a prelude, did not stop serving any Ryogan.

The Argentine cardiologist from the province of La Rioja Nominated as a candidate for Nobel prize medicinea He has begun a path that will lead him to compete for the international prize, set to be set in 2022. The project was voted on last Friday by Supreme Council of the University of La Rioja.

From there they mobilized the necessary resources to submit a proposal for a Nobel Prize nomination, bearing in mind that County Champion in health.

Through this project It aims to show the importance of the academic, professional and social life of Dr. Luis M. de la Fuente, Whoever enjoys great international prestige represents our province with great pride; That is why we believe it is very important to present this project, asking the esteemed Supreme Council of the UNLaR Postgraduate Council, to propose the worthy doctor De La Fuente as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine pfor its relevant merits, and a fruitful career, placed at the service of science and the world community”, Read the approved project.

Cardiologist has already been nominated in 2005 for an award Stanford University (California). On this occasion, the University Hospital From that city gave the green light to implement the application project.

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“It’s a timely suggestion for a brilliant Riojan like Dr. de la Fuente, Doctor internationally recognized as a world leader in Invasive Cardiology (since 1962), Interventional Cardiology (in 1965) and Biological Interventional Cardiology (1999). In addition to Collaborated directly with the doctor Rene Vavaloro Another priest, to establish Model Institute of Cardiology operating in Buenos Aires,” said the pediatrician Daniel Quiroga Promoter of the initiative.

Rene Valaforo and Luis de la Fuente when they were working together
Rene Valaforo and Luis de la Fuente when they were working together

How did the proposal come about? Initiatives Nominations for the Nobel Prize They can come from different places, How do Scientific societies, universities and in the case of Luis de la Fuente, to own 400 scientific articles published in specialized journals and more than 50 awards.

The order was sent in October to Best advice. Agreeing, the next step is to Ministry of Education for the nation I give you support. From there it will start its way to Karolinska Institute (in Sweden), responsible for the appointment of each year Nobel Prize in Medicine.

proposal for De la Fuente was made by his son HectorBecause they first needed your approval. In an interview with InfobaeHe said: It was Saturday morning. My father received the news with the calm that characterizes him, but also with great affection for his beloved interruption, by all NOA and us Argentine people. I see him wanting to give us all great joy, whether it’s next year or when it should be. It has an impressive global standing.”

Handwritten, one of the notes René Favaloro used to leave Luis de la Fuente
Handwritten, one of the notes René Favaloro used to leave Luis de la Fuente

exit from National School “Joaquín V. González” From La Rioja, he studied medicine at Tucumán National University (At the dawn of medical school in that house) These studies were concluded in Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (With honors diploma in October 1958). Later, he emigrated to perfect himself United State I managed to enter St. Vincent’s Hospital, in Portland, Oregon.

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“I think his nomination for such an award would indeed be great news for him. Either because of the artificial artery created in the laboratory from the same skin cells or the discovery of coronary sinuses with Adrián Barceló, to name a few.” French biologist Luc Montagnier She was crazy to meet him. He attended chiefs, princes, and porters, because for him, “under the skin we are all equal.” No charges were brought against his own citizens. He is 89 years old, he continues with surgery and his pulse is not trembling. “I hope he lives to be at least 105, like his aunt,” said the son of the famous Argentine doctor and clinical cardiologist.

It’s a long way and you think about it From the source for next year’s Nobel edition, the winner of which will be announced at October 2022 It will be delivered on December 10 On the day Alfred Nobel died (1895), a Swedish industrialist whose last will, according to his will, was to use his fortune “to create a series of prizes for those who bring the greatest benefit to mankind in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.”

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