Where to see the films nominated for “Goya 2023”

announced the Academy The nominees and nominees for the 37th edition of the Goya Awardsprizes to be handed out afterwards On February 11, 2023 at the FIBES Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions in Seville. in the act he attended Fernando Mendes LettThe head of the institution and under the supervision of the notary public Eva Fernandez Medinaand actresses Blanca Portillo s Nora Navasthe Goya winners in 2022, were responsible for revealing the applicants for the 28 categories.

With 17 nominations, like animals It is the movie with the largest number of options, followed by Model 77, with 16 award options. for his part, Alkarras s Five little wolves She has 11 nominations each, while small pig s The crooked lines of God They each compete for six statuettes. AlkarrasFrom Carla Simon; like animalsFrom Rodrigo Sorogoyen; Five little wolvesFrom Alauda Ruiz de Azua; the motherFrom Pilar Palomeros Model 77From Alberto Rodriguezit will be measured by Joya for Best Film.

It will be Joya for Best Director among Carla Simonfor Alkarras. Rodrigo Sorogoyenfor like animals; Pilar Palomerofor the mother; Carlos Vermouthfor manticores Alberto Rodriguezfor Model 77.

They aspire to Goya for Best Leading Actress Marina Foafor like animals; Laya Costafor Five little wolves; Anna Castillofor Wild sunflower Barbara Linneyfor The crooked lines of Gods Vicki Longofor Soro. Denis Menochfor like animals; Louis Tosarfor in the margins; Nacho Sanchezfor manticore; Javier Gutierrezfor Model 77s Miguel Hiranfor Model 77will fight for Goya for Best Leading Actor.

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Charlotte Peredafor small pig; Alauda Ruiz de Azuafor Five little wolves; Elena Lopez Rierafor water; Juan Diego Botofor in the margins, s Michael Guriafor Soro, appearing in the Best New Director category. For the first time, five nominations were made for all award categories.

Antonio de la Torre s Clear lake The Gala, which will take place on February 11 in Seville, will present the director, writer, photographer, cartoonist and theater director Carlos Saura He will get Goya of Honor.

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