Where do you work more than Spain?

In Spain, The maximum working day is 40 hours per weekAnd, as a general rule, the worker cannot go beyond that time per week. Although some political parties have suggested that the hours be reduced, it is General regulations that are not easy to modify. And it is that every country in Europe has a different regulation.

Other characteristics related to working hours in Spain refer, for example, to Overtime, which must be compensated for with rest or payment; Thus, breaks must be at least twelve hours between the end of the day shift and the start of the next, and each day shift must be a maximum of nine hours, although there may be adjustments as long as they do not exceed forty hours per week. On the other hand, there may be a reduced working day, which means less than forty hours of work per week.

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Data obtained from Eurostat from 2021, where The information provided on weekly working hours for each European country is detailed. There are countries that work more than Spain and exceed forty hours a week, while in others the working day is shorter than in our country. In addition, there are places in Europe where opening hours vary depending on one region or another. So, The average full working day in European Union countries, in 2021, was 40 and a half hours per week. Of course, one hour less than the average recorded in 2008 when it was 41.6 hours per week.

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In addition, the numbers vary depending on each sector in many European countries. In Spain, for example, those who devote most of their working hours are mainly from the primary sector, such as agriculture, livestock, forestry or fishing. On the other side, Education workers work an average of 37.1 hours per week. Between both sectors there is a seven hour difference.

So, The longest working day in Europe is in Serbia, with an average of 42.3 hours per week. In other countries such as Portugal, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland, there is also more work than in Spain. In turn, the countries with the shortest working hours on our continent are Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland and Norway. Between them all, they work about 35 hours a week or less. The Netherlands is the country with the shortest working day, at 32.4 hours. It is followed by Austria (33.7 hours), Norway (34.1 hours), and Denmark and Germany, both with a time of 34.6 hours. The UK’s weekly working day ranges from 37 to 40 hours, on the other hand, there is the case of Italy or France (their weekly working day is 35 hours), where there is a wide variation depending on the region. The rest of the countries are at levels higher than 37 hours per week.

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