When and how do I start preparing for the MIR exam if I fail?

Applicants to MIR 2022.

Repetition MIRT Exam It is a choice meditating about 30 percent of applicants. However, as predicted by the CTO Academic Director, Ferdinand TheresaIn this call, this percentage can drop to 20-25 points because there are fewer candidates. In addition, in recent years, the outbreak of the epidemic and the retirement of doctors have caused a Increase employment of professionalsWhich has a significant impact on the number of “repetitors”. Di Teresa says in medical writing.

For this second setting he encountered ‘Respondents’ MIRThe Academic Director of the Preparation Center ensures that there is no ideal start date. However, the vast majority of applicants who graduated from the sixth year of medicine usually use Nine months of part-time preparation, combining MIR study with the final year of college, and another seven months of study focused one hundred percent on the exam. So, “The best thing is to be on the level of the rest of the competition.”.

Preparation time for MIR . repeaters

have experience First preparationYou might think that these candidates don’t need as much time as first-time doctors. However, they recommend from the CTO that the study be conducted as soon as possible. “If they repeat it, it is because they want to Try to improve the position they have achievedin many cases, because they could not choose the specialty they liked”, explains de Teresa.

For this reason, the teacher continues, repeaters usually set themselves a goal to be among the top positions, among the first 4,000 or 5,000. “At this point you have Strong competition for students who leave college. There are approximately 15 percent of medical students with very high recordseven more than 9, and they are students usually between 1,000 and 1,500 positions,” he notes. The goal, he continues, is to try to compete for existence After this group of studentsso what, “the earlier they start, the better they’d be able to make use of the MIR setting before.”

However, if the candidate is clear, before introducing himself to the MIR, that he has not prepared well and that he wants to present himself on the next call, the ideal is to take month off Preparation begins between March and April.

On the other hand, a candidate who waits until the last minute to see if he can choose a position or not, it is better to have this process between May and June. “At CTO, we usually open two copies of our course ResearchOne in April and one in June. We think this June is also a good time to start, if you haven’t already. What we do not recommend, except in exceptional personal situations, is to make a Very short preparation for three or four monthsBecause that does not guarantee that you will be in a favorable competitive position with others,” says the coach.

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional with any health-related questions.

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