What is the best time to take vitamins?

the vitamins is a group of Material that are necessary for cell function, Normal growth and development are found in some foods, but they can also be taken in capsules and we will tell you below what is the best time to take them.

the Vitamins reduce the risk of disease if taken properly. However, sure vitamins They are not well absorbed by the body if taken without food, so it is essential to know when to take them.

It is also important to know that you should consult your doctor before taking it vitamins Because some of them can cause Serious side effects If you have chronic disease or if it is taken with other medicines.

body needs vitamins in order to work properly. However, it only produces Vitamin D By themselves, others cannot produce them, so they must be obtained through food or capsules.

the vitamins should be taken with water to go straight to stomach and beAbsorbs quickly. It is not recommended to take it with hot or cold drinks, as this prevents it from dissolving well.

What is the best time to take vitamins?

The first thing you should do when Take vitamins It is to read the instructions on the bottle carefully to avoid an overdose and if you have an allergic reaction you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

It is also necessary to know that vitamins They always should Take with or immediately after meals So it doesn’t matter if you take it after breakfast or lunch.

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Vitamins are not a substitute for eating healthy foods, although they provide some nutrients that some foods lack. It is also recommended to make a schedule for taking vitamins and respect it without skipping any intake, because if you are not consistent, the vitamins will not be properly absorbed and not be fully effective.

It is important to know when to take vitamins. (Image: Canva)

Can you take vitamins before bed?

There are some vitamins that It can be taken before bedtime or going to bedThis is the case with calcium because it facilitates the arrival of sleep, in fact, it is a natural relaxant.

the probioticsAnd green foods And Herbal remedy It can also be taken at bedtime and on an empty stomach.

But there are others vitamins which is not recommended Takes before going to bed Sleepssuch as fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K as they are easier to absorb when the stomach contains food rich in fat.

Although it is true that the vitamins The above mentioned should not be taken before going to bed, if you do, you should He eats Some foods that contain some type of fat, such as a piece of cheese.

(With info from: Medlineplus and Salud cmm)

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