What is it and how to use this artificial intelligence?

What is it and how to use this artificial intelligence?

chat” he Chat bot from Artificial intelligence Able to respond to anything requested by the user, as he is trained to maintain it talks In a natural, traditional and sequential way, remembering the meaning of “modern” at all times. in UnoTV.com We explain Why this s how to use This technology is step by step.

What is “ChatGPT” artificial intelligence?

according to Open AIcompany developed forchat“It is a chat system based on the language model by GPT-3 artificial intelligencewith more than 175 million female teachers, trained on large amounts of text on Do housework relating to language, from Translation until the Text generation.

“We’ve trained language models that are much better at following user intent than GPT-3, while making them more honest and less toxic, using techniques developed through our compatibility research. These InstructGPT models, trained with humans in loop, are now being implemented as default language models in our API.”

Open AI

he Amnesty International He was trained to hold it talks With anyone And is able to understand any Question Strictly, including the adjectives and variations you add in your sentences, responding to you in some way Fixed. Her job is Answer correctly and completelyeven from several paragraphs.

What can this chatbot do?

chatable to express yourself the natural way and with Very accurate informationwhich makes it very difficult to distinguish between text It was created by a Artificial intelligence. In this sense, students may find it useful to develop text with a certain limit of characters into a file problem specific.

Thank you AlgorithmsYou can also get the most important points from a long text, as well as summarize keywords and develop a Explanation concrete. It can even translate articles in other languages, though the most notable feature is its ability to do so Answer any question His answer is online.

How do you use “ChatGPT” technology?

the Chat bot from Artificial intelligencechatIn any browser (Google Chrome, Firefox…), although it is necessary to access gmail account. To promote this technology, Open AI The following link is distributed for access: https://chat.openai.com / chat.

But it is possible that in the future, when it is officially launched, the mentioned link will not work, so there is another link Access method:

  1. Enter a page Open AI
  2. Select the “Stadium” option
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Look for the option “Looking for ChatGPT?”
  5. Choose “Try it now”

Once you are in the chatbot, sign up for your account gmail accountoption “NewshatWhere you will find a summary The educational course About how to use this new Artificial intelligence. First, some examples are given like: “Explain quantum computing to me in simple terms”.

chat Explains that this Amnesty International It can remember what was previously written in conversationAllows the user to submit follow-up and rejection corrections Requests inappropriate. On the other hand, he was warned that he could give or result in incorrect information harmful instructions Or have limited knowledge of issues after 2021.

Image: OpenAI ChatGPT

The next step is to enter any Question that the user wants text bar at the bottom of the screen. Depending on the saturation of the page, the AI ​​will respond within Seconds. For a more accurate answer, select the words or Personalities for your response.

You can go on with this topic for as long as you want and you won’t need to Repeat the topic, but you will know in advance what we are talking about. For example, if you askWhat is an icy wave?And then you ask, “How do we take care of ourselves?” “, chat You will know what you mean icy wave.

With this tool, you can take brief notes of the information mentioned, and request a file most important points of the subject in case you want to transfer text still script Informative or to elicit an accurate summary of a lengthy writing regarding Any subject.

On the other hand, on the left side of the screen you will find options for rRefresh the conversationchange the window layout and even exit a file chat:

  • Clear conversations
  • dark mode
  • Open AI Discord (Open the Open AI App)
  • Updates and FAQ (information with updates)
  • Logoff

What are the current disadvantages of artificial intelligence?

Because “chat“Exists in experimental stagetheir access to users is limited and it is always impossible to access the chat through saturation from the platform. For this reason, a warning is placed excess traffic If the response speed is slower than normal.

For now, you’ll still be able to find page specific errors, however Open AI Ensures that the final version of Microsoft It will be available in the near future for users all over the world, although the exact date on which it will happen is yet to be determined.

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