What is intellectual well-being? Increase it for a happier life

TYou may have heard about vigilance and its importance Psychological health. But have you ever thought about intellectual luxury? It is well known that food and exercise are essential to physical health. With it, just as important as exercising the brain, as well as developing and nurturing the mind.

According to Harvard University’s Center for Wellness and Health Promotion, benefits From intellectual well-being the following:

  • Know better.
  • Better focus and memory.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • A more stimulating life experience.
  • Develop personal values ​​and opinions.
  • broader mindset.

What is intellectual well-being?

In short, intellectual well-being is “the well-being of the mind,” replied Michael Ebbinger, director of the University Center for Innovation, at Washington State University in Spokane (WSU), who spoke about the well-being of the intellectual during a presentation. TEDxTalks.

Randy McCoy Executive Director of Product Leadership at The Little Gym, Arizona’s Center for Physical Development and Children’s Enrichment, Says NEWSWEEK: “Intellectual well-being has to do with the desire and ability to expand our knowledge and skills through continuous learning, fruitful curiosity, creative thinking, and exploration.”

Ebinger divides intellectual well-being into The basic elements. is called:

  • Active learning throughout life (also called lifelong learning or lifelong learning).
  • Openness to new ideas.
  • Participate in creative activities (eg writing, photography, helping the community).
  • Read “everything,” from classics to works by contemporary authors.
  • Stay informed on current affairs.
  • practicing hobbies.
  • Connect with Arts.
intellectual well-being
An essential component of intellectual well-being is engaging in creative activities, such as photography. (Photo: Istock/Getty Images Plus)

How to improve intellectual well-being

Improving intellectual well-being exposes “practicing or immersing ourselves” in the above elements Abinger.

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For example, “I usually listen to classical music, plus I study violin. However, we have orafter options Such as drawing, writing poetry, learning new skills and reading different news sources to be well informed about current things,” he adds.

For his part, McCoy highlights the importance of understanding bonding of intellectual well-being with exercise and physical activity.

“The brain regions Responsible for cognition is also activated and developed during exercise and physical activity. This means that “when the body is in motion, the brain comes back to life,” he said.

during the Physical activity, the brain is “fast paced” and ready to “start working”. This condition persists long after the activity has been stopped.

intellectual well-being
Reading is one of the simplest activities to improve intellectual well-being. (Photo: Istock/Getty Images Plus)

McCoy insists that this is not a temporary effect, as it “has a positive and lasting effect on brain function and neuroplasticity. In other words, it’s in the brain’s ability to change and adapt to experiences,” McCoy explains.

Various studies show that Physical activity Regularly and daily — especially in children and teens — it improves the development of the areas of the brain responsible for “executive function,” he continues.

Executive function is important to a group of Cognitive skills The basics that allow for “mental multitasking”. In other words: working and mentally remembering many things at the same time, without losing focus, eliminating distractions and even making creative corrections “on the go”.

If we take into account all of the above, it turns out that physical activity is the best way to do this to improve Intellectual well-being, says McCoy, “keeps the brain busy and happy.”

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Activities for intellectual well-being? Ebinger claims that reading It is one of the simplest activities. It doesn’t matter if they are classic, contemporary or current events. “Continuous learning always occurs in those who work to improve their intellectual well-being,” he says.

His recommendation, combining different elements of intellectual well-being. For example, “I can practice learning Continuous While reading Goethe’s work [poeta Johann Wolfgang von Goethe] And I imagine these words as part of a classical musical composition.”

On the other hand, Ebinger adds: “I can creative practice Performing a piece of music based on Goethe’s poetry or prose, or even a piece of music [Johannes] Brahms”.

It also uses imagination. Ebinger explains: “The Fiction It’s a good way to create connections and streamline intellectual well-being.”

The areas of the brain responsible for cognition are also activated and developed during exercise and physical activity. (Photo: Istock/Getty Images Plus)

go out to play

McCoy reminds us that a file Physical activity It maintains the shape of the brain, as it activates neurotransmitters in the brain to “establish and activate connections.”

Likewise, he asserts that it is sufficient to go out to walk With our children to make a “big impact” on their intellectual well-being. In fact, this indicates that these tours become part of the family routine.

“I walk in nature almost every day. I find that mind _ mind Relaxes when the body moves. With this practice my mind becomes more creative and some of my best ideas emerge,” McCoy admits.

Spending just five minutes sitting or lying down — say, a short nap — will do wonders for your body and mind. (Photo: Istock/Getty Images Plus)

SIESTAS to boost the brain and body

Relaxing your mind and body can increase your brain power. If you spend five minutes a day sitting or lying down, and you kind of exercise contemplation“It will do wonders” for your body and mind, he says.

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Those who don’t even have five free minutes, or consider this time to be excessive (a common perception of children and teens), can get the same. benefits Allocate just 30 seconds to “sit back, relax and take a deep breath.”

only five breath They give the brain and body a good nap. McCoy instructs to “breathe in with positivity and happiness, and exhale ‘retreat’.”

Numerous studies confirm that living with friends and loved ones not only increases the level of happiness, but also extends life. (Photo: Istock/Getty Images Plus)

live with friends

According to McCoy, many studies confirm that living with friends And loved ones not only increase the level of happiness, but also prolong life. “Mixing, chatting, exchanging ideas. He concludes that all of this is brain food. n

(Published in association with Newsweek / Published in association with Newsweek)

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