We deeply regret the passing of taxonomist and ichthyologist Professor Victor Hugo Ruiz of UdeC.

the teacher Victor Hugo Ruiz Rodriguez (RIP) He has dedicated his life to teaching, research and administration at the University of Concepción, and has been a faculty member of the Department of Zoology since 1976.

He was born in Lecco on October 30, 1948. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biology in 1971 and became a graduate in Biology in 1974. Two years later, he was awarded the title of State Professor in Biology and Natural Sciences. Later, in 1988, he obtained a Master of Science degree with a mention in Zoology.

In his teaching career he has participated in numerous graduate courses, such as: Principles and Methods of Systematic Theology, Comparative Animal Anatomy, Zoology, and; undergraduate courses for the professions of biology and marine biology and methods of teaching natural sciences and childhood sciences, with topics such as: Environmental and Life Biology, Integrated Natural Sciences, Organisms and Their Classification, Animal Diversity, Inland Water Fish, Chilean Biodiversity, Natural Resources, Neonatology and Chilean Fauna. He has also participated in numerous scientific projects and seminars, including indirect teaching, and has trained more than 50 undergraduate and graduate students throughout his career, on whom he has undoubtedly left his mark.

freshwater fish

Professor Ruiz focused his attention on the taxonomy, biology, and zoogeography of freshwater fishes, among other topics.

In his scientific research, he has developed and participated as a co-investigator in several projects and initiatives. Examples include: “Systems and biochemistry of the conservation of macroroids captured in the waters of Region VIII” (Fondecyt Project 1991-1993); “Priority sites for the conservation of biodiversity in Chile” (1992-1993); “Georeference area of ​​fauna species in Region II. Basis of information that can be used in biodiversity management” (1996-1998); “Central baseline in Tocapel, fish campaign, stomach analysis. “Similarity of sampling stations” (1997-1998); “Biodiversity studies of invertebrate groups in oceanic islands” (CONA N°14 1999); “Biodiversity of invertebrates and vertebrates in oceanic islands” (CIMAR 6, 2000); and “Ichthyofauna in Chilean continental waters” (Ducincia Project, 2004).

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Likewise, he joined researchers in scientific-technical committees such as the “Red Book of Vertebrates”.

In his continuous contribution to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and literacy, Professor Ruiz has left a total legacy of 50 publications. Among his works on fishes, three deserve to be highlighted. This is without counting the works dedicated to birds and mammals. His works stand out: “Ichthyology of the Alto Biobio. Taxonomic, nutritional, reproductive and ecological aspects with a discussion of the “Huya” and “Ichthyology of the Andalines River” (both in 1993); and “Ichthyofauna of the Laja River” (1996).

In administration and organization, he was treasurer of the Concepcion Biology Society and academic secretary between 2010 and 2013. In 2019 he retired due to cancer, which he had suffered from since 2013.

“Today we say goodbye to a good academic, in a simple and kind way. Those of us who were his students will always remember his words and advice. We offer our condolences to all his family, on behalf of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Concepción, which was his second home. Rest in peace Professor Victor Hugo Ruiz Rodriguez and continue on the path,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, Dr. Margarita Marchant San Martín, as he posted on Facebook.

His remains are buried in Universal Evangelical Church, located at Los Aromos 1498, San Pedro de la Paz (Near the Fire Department). Mass will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at 9:30 a.m. At 10:30 a.m., the procession will depart to the Lotta Cemetery, where the funeral will be held at 12:00 p.m.

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