“Voices motivated by economic and political interests have emerged.”

the National Science and Technology Council (Conasset) indicates that the initiative General Law of the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation (HCTI Act), which he introduced Your Excellency President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirm to science How do basic right and “marks a milestone by promoting CONAHSETT as the National Council for Humanities and Technological Sciences (CONAHSETT) and defining the innovation of Mexican humanism.”

by agency statement defend the initiative This is guaranteed contrary to what was pointed out by various media outlets and columnists, who “published confusing, misleading and incorrect information about the bill”.

According to Consett, “Since it is a progressive proposal that runs counter to the paradigm that in the last three six-year periods has allowed the use of public resources to finance private projects that simulate research and technological development, for the most part, by economic and political interests seeking to preserve privileges through non-compliant models.” Transparency and pseudoscience.”

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They added in the statement that these voices have “unleashed a smear campaign” in various media outlets that spread criticism, opinions and statements that are “far from reality and even incorrect about the proposed reorganization and ramifications in the new HCTI law initiative”.

They also ensure that, since 2019, a consultation process has been conducted with the community of the sector, including representatives of public and private education institutions and institutions, given the “dialogue nature of this initiative” they have fostered a broad and inclusive dialogue between more than 60,000 people and institutions to build consensus and which They served as principles for crystallizing this “first general law”.

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And they affirm: “The extensive and continuous consultation that was conducted to build the initiative did not exclude anyone” and this is contrary to what some media confirm, “This comprehensive exercise added the participation of owners and researchers from the 26 Public Research Centers (CPI)”, as well as people from academic and research circles ; representatives of various centers, academies, universities, public institutions of higher education, dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration (APF); and social and private organizations, in order to formulate a pluralistic and democratic project.

They point out that authorities from UNAM, IPN, UAM, ITAM, Pedagogical University and Multicultural Universities, among others, participated; So are researchers from private institutions, such as Pan Americana University and Ibero. In addition, the Science and Technology Advisory Forum for CYT “actively participated,” as did members from ProCiencia, the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (Anuies) and the National Network of Governmental Councils and Organizations for Science and Technology (Rednacecyt).

“The executive’s proposal is based on an in-depth and critical review of the existing CYT law, which has undergone 11 reforms in its more than 20-year life and has been surpassed by new state standards to guarantee the human right to science. For this reason, 49 bills have been reviewed, including the CYT amendment of November 6, 2020, as well as the bill introduced by Federal Representative Juan Carlos Romero Hicks on August 17, 2022.” Manifesto, where they spoke of the virtues that this initiative held for Counsett.
They pointed out that it “supports and justifies the humanitarian and dialogue nature of the country’s scientific and technological policy, through proposals related to these areas that strengthen societies, develop capabilities and national sovereignty.”

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They ensure that the law “justifies the public interest on the subject,” that it “does not limit or limit scientific and technological work” nor “restrict the freedom of investigation,” that basic and frontier science is decisively promoted and prohibits the formation of trust funds and similar figures because “until 2020, it was born The dependence between the operation of the sector and the financing of projects, through multiple funds that were managed opaquely and arbitrarily; the same thing that allowed the transfer of millionaires to large national and transnational corporations, NGOs and private universities that did not require support from the state and did not provide the expected results, simulating the promotion of scientific research and development technology and innovation.

Instead, the initiative establishes funding sources under the principles of “transparency, republican austerity, frugality, efficiency, effectiveness, impartiality, and honesty.”
They then pointed out that the law harmonizes the national legal framework in accordance with the transformation of public life that Mexico is going through and promotes “national sovereignty through scientific and technological independence” and that it considers mechanisms for contribution and cooperation through private initiative, “without hinting at the existence of a blank check or not There are rules for accountability.”

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