Visa Lottery 2025: Everything you need to know to apply

Call for Diversity Immigrant Visa Programalso known as “Visa lottery 2025” also “Green card lottery 2025“, from the US Department of State, now open.

This program provides an opportunity for non-US persons to obtain it American visaexcept for people born in Mexico, who will be exempt this year from Visa lottery.

If you are eligible, we will tell you everything you need to know to be able to apply for this draw and search for the desired document.

What is the 2025 visa lottery?

Officially known as Diversity Immigrant Visa Programthe Visa lottery It is an immigration program administered by the United States government through the US Department of State.

It was established in 1990 as part of United States Immigration and Nationality Act (INA, its abbreviation in English), whose goal is to promote ethnic and national diversity in Immigrant population in the United Statesallowing people from countries with low levels of immigration to that country the opportunity to obtain Immigrant visa.

How does the 2025 visa lottery work?

The visa lottery is a great option to obtain this valuable document.

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Every year, the US State Department announces the opening of the center Visa lottery, usually in the fall. For a limited time, citizens of eligible countries can apply online for free. It is important to note that not all countries are eligible, and the list of eligible countries may change from year to year.

After the registration period ends, a random selection process takes place, where confirmation numbers are assigned to all valid orders. A specific number of applications from each geographical area are then randomly selected and given the opportunity to apply Diversity Visa.

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