Venezuela’s parliament will request an investigation into the invasion plans

En sesión ordinaria, el titular del Legislativo propuso la designación de una comisión especial integrada por cinco diputados que traslade la solicitud de una “investigación rigurosa”, a raíz de recientes revelacionesón sobre la participapacianoar eventual a participaciol United State.

An investigation by journalist Horacio Verbitsky, published on Sunday in the portal El Cohete a la Luna, revealed documents from the Argentine armed forces, which revealed the Macri administration’s commitment to a military intervention in Venezuela in the last year of his term.

Between April and July 2019, the Argentine Army conducted the Puma exercise – which envisaged an incursion into Venezuela – conducted in seven courses in the Campo de Mayo garrison, and by videoconferencing with the Parachute Brigade in Cordoba, the 10th Mechanized Brigade at La. Bamba orders and special operations.

It also included coordination with the Navy and Air Force units, led by General Juan Martin Palio, who was then the commander of the Rapid Deployment Force, and since March 2020 he has served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces. Armed forces.

The President of the Venezuelan Parliament expressed his concern about the absence of official statements regarding these statements by the current government of Argentina.

These plans coincided with the United States’ escalation against the Bolivarian Executive and President Nicolas Maduro, which included recognition as responsible president of the then-president of the National Assembly (parliament) in contempt, Juan Guaido.

According to the investigation, the first session of the Puma exercise led by General Palio was held on April 15, 2019, two weeks before the coup attempt led by Guaido and opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, with a small group of soldiers who attempted it. Enter the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas.

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The so-called plan of conquest would be carried out through three corridors, via “Mar de Argos”, facing the northern Caribbean; across the “Fibo” border, which might correspond to a land incursion from Colombia, and across the “Ceres” border, referring to the attack from Brazil.

msm / wup

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