Venezuela and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are deepening ties in the field of tourism

This fifth conference between the Asian bloc and the Bolivarian Republic took place in the context of FITVen, which concludes tomorrow in the state of Anzoategui, in the north-east of the South American country, with the participation of tour operators from 26 countries in the region and other parts of the world.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Asia, the Middle East and Oceania, Cabaya Rodriguez, expressed that the celebration of this new edition between ASEAN and Venezuela helps to promote tourism at the multilateral level, as an important element in the knowledge of peoples and cultures. .

It stated that this allowed the encouragement of South-South cooperation without foreign interference.

Rodríguez explained that the Bolivarian government, led by President Nicolás Maduro, has begun a rapprochement with the Asian integration bloc with the aim of taking over the external relations blueprint of this “successful regional integration and coordination mechanism”.

The head of the accredited ASEAN mission in Caracas, Indonesian Ambassador Eddie Molyono, thanked the Venezuelan government for providing the opportunity to establish tourism cooperation in the context of Vitvin.

In a message sent remotely, Satvinder Singh, Secretary General of the Economic Community of Southeast Asian Nations, thanked the South American country for the initiative, which promotes tourism in both regions, opens up cooperation and opens up new opportunities.

The day concluded with a business conference between national tour operators and diplomatic representatives of ASEAN countries accredited here: Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.

A special edition of the Ministry of Tourism’s magazine – Viajes Venetur – dedicated to the Asian integration bloc, which shows the benefits and potentials of these countries in terms of tourism, was also presented.

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