Valencia takes it a step further and applies the 4-day workday as a test

Valencia will be the first Spanish city to implement Four working days a week, will do so this April as a “pilot project” following in the footsteps of countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, Portugal or Japan. Starting this coming Monday, April 10, the city is considering how to work the option to work four days for four weeks, coinciding with three consecutive vacation Mondays and moving a vacation from January to this month.

Thus, the weeks of April 10 (Easter Monday), April 17 (San Vicente Ferrer), April 24 (January 22, San Vicente Martyr) and May 1 (Labour Day) will be only four weeks. working days, in pilot project Promoted by the city council to test the impact of the app in the city and its consequences on productivity, entertainment, mobility, economy, and The health of people who work 32 hours a week.

Proposal after the dialogue process

The City Council’s Las Naves Innovation Center will evaluate the results for the conclusions of this test from July 20th. The suggestion came from a dialogue process With the sectors involved – unions, companies, neighboring organizations, foundations and other social agents – the experience adds to other similar ones conducted in several countries, including Lithuania, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, Portugal or Japan.

This is the month when help will come out to reduce the working day to 4 days

Reduction of the working day is subject to Negotiation between unions and employers, but the board wants to do the test and study “what happens” with quantitative and objective data. From the pilot programme, three large areas will be studied: health and social welfare, climate emergency and economics.

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Specifically, issues such as time usage, and Good luck From practical life, a sense of luxury, comfort, the impact of measurement on greenhouse gases, air quality, silence, energy consumption, traffic, public transport network, Domestic tourism, hospitality, trade, purchases in shops and stores, among others.

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