URJC Doctors are installed in the sciences, health sciences, engineering and architecture

The Assembly Hall in the Rector’s office on the Mostoles campus hosted its second inauguration this week with 95 new physicians.

Nora Fernandez Fernandez

Today, Thursday, June 8, Rey Juan Carlos University celebrated honoring new Doctors of Science, Health Sciences, Engineering, and Architecture programs.

The ceremony was opened by the Rector, Javier Ramos, who gave the floor to Pilar Abad, Director of the International Doctoral School (EID). After uttering the praises of the new doctors, Abbad wished that “the spirit of inquiry always accompanies you and continues this ancient intellectual journey.” He added, “Continue to research and learn, challenge the boundaries of knowledge, and find creative solutions to the challenges our society faces today.”

According to Principal Eid, during the academic years 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, 399 theses were discussed in the 12 doctoral programs offered by URJC. Of this total number, 68 have done so with international mentioning PhDs and 7 industrial PhDs. Those numbers, Abad says, “continue to grow thanks to you and the university community.”

Concluding his speech, Abad noted how difficult it is, at this time, to trust the future. However, it is “the new generations of well-trained professionals who will join social institutions, bringing new life and hope back, who will restore trust in society,” says Abbad.

The URJC General Secretary, Pilar Trinidad Núñez, then summoned the 95 doctors present to receive their medals and take their oaths. The ceremony was also attended by the government representative in Madrid, Francisco Martín.

The university’s president, Javier Ramos, wanted to highlight “the effort and personal commitment that research requires, as well as the professional interest and generosity, when sharing this knowledge with the community.” Ramos added that this intellectual restlessness “is the human ability that makes us compete with ourselves to improve ourselves and reach the highest levels.”

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Finally, the President of the URJC highlighted the great commitment gained by physicians by investing themselves thus, “hence the promise or oath, to contribute this excellence of knowledge and put it at the service of society.”

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