Unnecessary radiological tests in health care

Alfonsa Ferreira Reyes, Head of Professional Affairs at SERAM and Head of the Radiological Diagnostic Service at La Princesa University Hospital in Madrid.

medical physics associationsSEFME), radiation protection (SEPRand the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (Ceram) tripartite where a series of recommendations on the use of Protectors in radiological examinations. In fact, in this new European Consensus Guide, the main novelty is that “it is not necessary to use contact protection to perform tests with ionizing radiation‘, depending Alphonsa Ferreira ReyesHead of Professional Affairs at SERAM and Head of the Radiological Diagnostic Service at La Princesa University Hospital in Madrid.

The expert notes that “even, in some cases, this putative protection can be assumed a Increasing the dose for the patient or limit visibility of areas of interest.” However, Ferreira Reyes asserts that “the doses used in diagnostic tests do not in any way reach the dose limits that are dangerous for patients.” In addition, he adds, “the negative impact (the potential increase in the incidence of cancer caused by about radiation) a potential effect. The important thing is that this Minimum risk Don’t assume that when testing doesn’t add value, it wouldn’t make sense to expose ourselves to risks without a clear benefit.”

For Ferreira Reyes “Every Tests that use ionizing radiation for diagnosis are safe Its risk is acceptable when its result leads to a change in treatment or disease progression.” That is, “if a test result does not provide relevant information or will not lead to a change in a patient’s treatment then it does not make sense to risk (however small) its achievement.”

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For all these reasons, Ferreira Reyes confirms it, in order to try it Reducing the risk of radiation exposure for patients“The National Health System (SNS) More focus should be placed on tactics that avoid unnecessary testing, whether it is due to lack of knowledge, patient pressure, or defensive practices.”

Population groups most sensitive to radiation

As for the population groups that can affect the most radiationFerreira Reyes details that ” Population of children and pregnant women (the fetus or fetus carried by the mother) More sensitive to radiationDespite this, the expert adds, “it is critical to ensure that testing is necessary before these patients are administered.” If it is necessary to carry out, the danger is possible. In the case of a pregnant woman, when the Examination includes the abdominal cavity And it is necessary to do this, a dosimetry report will be prepared with an estimate of the dose obtained by the fetus or fetus.”

“The best protection is to do only what is necessary, which leads to a change in the progression of the disease”

In most cases, “this dose is within the prescribed limits.” But Ferreira Reyes insists, “The best protection is to do only what is necessary, which results in a change in disease progression“. Still there Other types of energy which are used in diagnosis, but not all diseases are identified with them.” For this reason, “work is underway to make equipment more efficient and require lower doses of radiation to reach a diagnosis.”

Radiation risk is less than diagnostic benefit

Friera Reyes states that “patients or parents of patients should be certain that the risks arising from radiation dose receive it to get it Diagnostic information about your disease far less than the benefit of having it.” The use of external shields also does not reduce this small risk, but it may cause an unnecessary increase in the dose given and may limit the identification of the areas covered by the shield.

In short, ‘test signal with ionizing radiation He concludes that this is the job of the physician who treats you and before he orders it, he will have made an assessment of the risk versus the benefit.”

Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional with any health-related questions.

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