United States | US GDP revised its expansion to 0.7% in the fourth quarter of 2022

he gross domestic product (GDP) to United State It grew 0.7% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and a 2.1% in the year as a whole, According to a second estimate of the data published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA, for its acronym in English.)

Thus, the largest economy in the world It eased its growth by a tenth after advancing 0.8%. In the third quarter of 2022.

Likewise, growth of 2.1% for the full year of 2022 was much lower than the 5.9% corresponding to 2021.

Despite a marked slowdown in the last quarter of 2022, US GDP growth It far exceeded the rate of 0.1% recorded in the EurozoneSo is 0.2% from Japan and recessionary UK.

In purely annual terms, BEA’s preferred way of presenting the data, US gross domestic product rose 2.7% in the fourth quarter of the year, one-tenth less than the initial estimate and half a percentage point less than the third-quarter expansion.

Growth occurred in the center of A economic inflation Moderation, low unemployment, persistent supply chain uncertainty and high interest rates.”Note the office.

In this regard, he indicated that the slowdown in real GDP in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter mainly reflects a decline in exports and weak consumer spending, as well as non-residential fixed investment and state and local government spending.

These movements were partly Offset by a recovery in private investment in stocksHe added that a slight decline in fixed residential investment and an acceleration of federal government spending.

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