United Nations in Mexico »The Islamic Development Bank and UNESCO launch the Artificial Intelligence Observatory

Montevideo, August 24, 2021 (UNESCO) – The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) jointly launched the second edition of the UNESCO Regional Science Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. artificial intelligence observatory In the area, designed to study the use of new technologies for social purposes.

This initiative will produce the largest mapping of AI use cases, with a focus on a particular hallmark: projects must drive social good and be committed to sustainable development.

“We recognize that all Latin America must make the most of AI, and through this process it is necessary to integrate essential aspects of inclusion and equity to cooperate with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda” Ms. Lidia Brito, UNESCO Regional Director for Science, prestigious.

From August 23 to October 15, 2021, the call will be opened to receive proposals from interested persons and organized groups (companies, civil society, governments, NGOs) so that the IDB and UNESCO subsequently select those that effectively comply with the premise. The selected initiatives will be included in the observatory from November 2021.

“To accelerate and achieve economic recovery, one of the five basic pillars is the digital economy,”
Marcelo Cabrol
Director of the Social Sector of the Islamic Development Bank.

Marcelo Caprol, Director of the Social Sector at the Islamic Development Bank, explained that the spirit of the observatory is in line with Vision 2025 “Reinvesting in the Americas”, the institution’s strategic guide for sustainable and inclusive growth:

To accelerate and achieve economic recovery, the digital economy is one of the five main pillars. From the Islamic Development Bank, we want to support countries in the region so that they can deploy artificial intelligence tools that allow them to develop more inclusive social services in our region.”

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The call will give regional and international insight into the use cases, giving different groups and initiatives the opportunity to create strategic alliances, and be part of the largest regional alliance in the responsible and ethical use of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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