United Kingdom refers to an almost natural tourist summer | News for destinations, hotels, rss1

From 17 May it will be possible to travel abroad and resume flights, and the most important news for Spain is that the British will have no restrictions on travel to the Mediterranean this summer. Another thing is if the Mediterranean will be ready to receive them.

But from 21 June, there would be no restrictions in Great Britain, if – and this is an important case – if vaccines continue to work as they are now and if forms of the virus do not change things. The news was presented as soon as three studies on the effectiveness of vaccines were known that left no doubt to the authorities about the positive development of the epidemic which is difficult to reverse.

The de-escalation begins on March 8 with a return to the classroom. Starting April 12, there will be some other activities in bars and restaurants and hotels may open. The restrictions will continue to be further reduced on May 17, the date from which outbound tourism can resume. Finally, according to the government, as of June 21, normality can be restored in almost all activities, including tourism of course.

No information has been provided on airport controls, but this does not appear to be significantly reduced. Today, the British have strong controls at airports for fear of entering the virus, especially the most aggressive variants – they have, specifically, one of the most contagious vaccines but in which vaccines work most successfully.

The interpretation of this de-escalation declaration leading to normalization is the effectiveness of vaccines. In Great Britain they inject those of Pfizer and Astra Zeneca.

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In this sense, nearly everyone over the age of 70 is vaccinated. Now people over the age of 65 are vaccinated. Nearly 18 million citizens have been vaccinated, with a very high level of admission. Mortality data among those who have been vaccinated is very low, according to studies.

The government said that in the future they will have to live with the virus, and it will not be possible to completely eliminate it, but with vaccines, especially in the elderly, it will be possible to achieve a small number of victims, which can be compared to other existing viral diseases.

In recent days, the tourism sector has been demanding a precise timeline for de-escalation to get businesses back up and running. The government’s announcement responds to the demands.

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