United Kingdom: No more anonymous air travel | Travel agency news

United Kingdom: No more anonymous air travel |  Travel agency news

Until now, if you purchased a ticket with British Airways for a domestic flight, from England to Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales – if applicable – and were traveling without hold baggage, you could board the plane without showing any proof of identification. In other words, it is sufficient for him to show the ticket, but he did not show that the name of the buyer matches his name (it must be remembered that the British do not have an identity document and the low cost, which requires them to do so) to identify themselves, and to accept a driver’s license or passport, which not everyone has ).

This will end from September 1st: all travelers must present proof of identification, which must include a photograph. People with tickets purchased these days receive messages indicating the novelty that has already been implemented in other airlines.

In many European countries, such as Germany, although it is mandatory to identify yourself, it is very common that on domestic flights only a boarding pass is required and no personal identification is required. At least Lufthansa usually allows these situations frequently. In some cases, it is sufficient for the device to read the bar code. In Germany, low-cost companies also systematically require proof of identity.

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