United Kingdom: BPA publishes research on mobile digital coverage in ports

By Redacción PortalPortuario.cl

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The British Ports Association (BPA) Published an investigation into mobile coverage and port deployments, conducted together with experts in digital connectivity, Telint.

The study analyzes the state of digital coverage experienced by the ports of the United Arab Emirates United kingdom How can it be improved to remain internationally competitive with Mawani Europe And beyond, many of them are already developing their own innovative 5G networks.

The report provides case studies of three European ports and provides an overall assessment of mobile data coverage in more than 30 ports in the UK.

Among the results that have been discovered, it is clear that the best connected ports have an advantage as they approach the second digital revolution; Digitization of ports will allow it to operate more independently and efficiently; 5G technology will be the catalyst for such innovation, but the current priorities of mobile phone operators do not easily lend themselves to providing coverage at ports.

Moreover, it highlights that plans to shut down old copper grids in the UK will accelerate the pace of change. However, ports may need to actively explore improvements to their stable connection, rather than waiting for infrastructure providers to update their technology, as poor connectivity can lead to a loss of competitive advantage.

Commenting on the research, Dave Happy, General Manager, DTelent One of the report’s authors said that “if we get anything from this published research, 5G is definitely reaching the niches and faster than previously thought. Change is approaching fast and in many cases it’s largely driven by the ports themselves.”

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To help protect the economy in the future for the second digital revolution, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) is already funding 5G testing activities at some of the UK’s largest ports. It would be useful to know which types of 5G networks would best serve ports of all sizes and handle different types of traffic with different communication needs. “

For this part, Phoebe Warneford-Thomson, BPA Director of Policy and Economic AnalystHe commented: “BPA is currently conducting a long-term review of three basic elements of port connectivity, of which digital connectivity is a critical component, and supports both the day-to-day administrative function of port operations as well as exciting new opportunities such as autonomous loading and unloading of land vehicles that can increase port performance. “.

“Ensuring UK ports connectivity is crucial to ensuring they remain internationally competitive and continue to better serve their local communities. The published knowledge is an important step in examining the current state of digital communications in UK ports and enables ports to anticipate future challenges, seize opportunities, and unleash To grow and boost productivity across the UK economy.

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