Pride of Peru! A young man who studied civil engineering at the National University of Engineering (UNI) left the name of Peru at the prestigious Imperial College London in the United Kingdom.
Roberto Vladimir de la Torre Tello At just 28 years old, he took first place in his master’s degree in Structural Engineering.
According to his university, the young man from Lima, but who identifies himself as Huancaino because all his primary, secondary and academic preparations were made in the capital of Junin, was able to reach the European country after receiving his bicentennial scholarship. From the National Scholarship and Education Credit Program (Pronabec) from the Ministry of Education.
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Before graduating from Imperial College London, Roberto applied to five universities abroad. However, it was only accepted in 2020. In addition, the path to achieving its goals became complicated after the arrival of the epidemic as a result of COVID-19.
Finally, he was able to travel and start his one-year studies on the European continent. “Why can’t a Peruvian stand out at a university in another country?” It was the question the young man asked himself.
For this reason, he took all the tools he had to play to his advantage. The young man noted that he had an additional advantage over other students: experience.
“Work experience is a requirement to apply for the Pronabec Bicentennial Generation Scholarship, which I think is very good. When working, there are problems (with) that one discovers, or notions not seen before at the undergraduate level, that when studying at a master’s degree they become Familiar to you and this helps to understand them more easily, ”the talent recalls.
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Roberto de la Torre with his classmates. Photo: Andes
Likewise, he admitted that he only spends his time studying, because he did not have to work and could focus on achieving his goals.
“Scholarship takes away your worries. One forgets paying as a burden. I had colleagues who studied and worked at the same time. It seemed to everyone that the Bicentennial Generation Scholarship was very fair and that there is no one similar in other parts of the world.”
future plans
Roberto de la Torre wants to start his own engineering consultancy firm and teach at UNI, where he studied his undergraduate degree and graduated third on his class.
I find the motive in the phrase: “Effort outweighs talent” and try to act like this; That is, when you really put your mind to it, you can achieve it,” he noted.
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How to Successfully Apply for a Postgraduate Scholarship Call?
Pronabec has just launched new scholarships where the general public can apply. Jose Carlos Fernandez Salas, who completed a master’s degree in urban planning at Harvard University, and Joanna Kennett Huertas Paralles, a master’s student in environmental engineering at Duke University, offer some advice young people can follow to seek support.
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