UNESCO Re-evaluates the Comarca Minera Geopark

Comarca Minera Geopark, in Hidalgo, has been re-evaluated by UNAM and recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as of 2017 as a Global Geopark in that category by the international organization.

The researcher from the Institute of Geophysics (IGf) explained that what these assurances from UNESCO seek is to verify the transformations in the region in terms of good practices, sustainable development, culture, education, management and conservation that led to the emergence of the geopark shape. UNAM and Scientific Coordinator of the Geopark, Carles Canet Miquel.

The results of the assessment will be sent to the World Council of Geoparks and UNESCO, the two organizations that will judge the geopark’s viability and inform Mexico as a member state.

A site unique for its natural and cultural heritage, it is a living laboratory of geological, cultural and human riches, covering nine municipalities of Hidalgo on an area of ​​1,900 square kilometres.

At the beginning of this month, a delegation led by evaluators Hartmut Escher, of Germany, and Helga Chulibin, of Uruguay, conducted a documentary and field review in the territory, Kané Mikkel reported.

The assessment mission was coordinated by the IGf, with support from the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change (ICAyCC) and the National Seismological Service (SSN), all three of whom are from UNAM. The University of La Salle in Pachuca, the Planning and Foresight Unit with the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Hidalgo, as well as the civic association “Comarca Mineira Geoparc Mundial AC”, participated in the Academy – Government – Civil Synergy Society.

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It is a land with a geological heritage of international importance; That is, with elements of geographical diversity (such as rocks, minerals, fossils) of great scientific and / or educational value recognized worldwide for their unique formation process, age and other characteristics, are highlighted on the website’s web page ( https://geoparquecomarcaminera.mx/).

In addition, this geological heritage, along with natural and cultural heritage (including industrial mining heritage), is used to generate sustainable development for local communities, through increased tourism and promotion of local products, and through scientific and educational programs, that make Residents and visitors of the area are closer to Earth and environmental sciences.

Among them is the implementation of the Zero Waste program in some municipalities and schools, said the scientist, promoting high-end scientific projects such as LabCHICO (the first underground laboratory where frontier physics research is carried out).

Likewise, promoting the heritage of the site as a World Heritage, as in the case of Cerro de las Navajas; It also attracts international activities such as the “Geoparks, Sustainable Tourism and Local Development” meeting organized by UNESCO in 2019; He explained that training in 2021 and 2022 on ejidatarios, so that they become familiar with their lands and integrate earth science concepts into guided tours and offer tourism services.

Kaneh Mekel explained that the field assessment accurately reviews and qualifies the territory’s transformations through advertising as geoparks, especially improvements and innovations in local development (tourism, local products), education, research, dissemination and visibility (through signage or the use of iconic, linguistic and chromatic signs and symbols).

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He commented that participatory management is a critical factor in the assessment, as well as the presence of a team of the United Nations Mission for Coordination of Activities in the Territory.

Canet added that, as a ripple effect of this initiative, geoparks are in the process of being evaluated in our nation: Huasteca Potosina, in San Luis Potosi; and Rutas de Agua, in Aguascalientes, where the undergraduate student works as an external advisor.

For the richness and details of the site, you can refer to the webpage: https://geoparquecomarcaminera.mx/ and the Facebook social network geoparquecomarcaminera.




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