UNAM approved a new profession and established the National School of Forensic Sciences

The new race Applied Sociology According to the UNAM Global publication, its goal is to train professionals who have “the skills to make diagnoses and propose strategies that favor social transformation, aimed at improving the living conditions of people in southern and southeastern Mexico”.

The new bachelor’s degree will last eight semesters consisting of 37 major subjects, four compulsory electives depending on the area of ​​deepening and six electives.

“Graduates of this degree will be able to work in public and private organizations in the field of project evaluation and design, applied research spaces, design of public policies, development of surveys, planning and management of environmental-related problems, among others,” UNAM Global details.

New School of Forensic Sciences

In addition, the United Nations mission said this Thursday that it will establish National School of Forensic Sciences (ENaCiF), “the first of its kind in the country, in order to continue training highly qualified professionals in the various fields of these sciences.”

“The school will be a pioneer in Mexico in promoting this field of study and will help the realization and administration of justice with more robust scientific evidence,” the educational institution said in a statement.

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