UNAM and the United Mexican Science Foundation sign a cooperation agreement

UNAM and the United Mexican Science Foundation sign a cooperation agreement

• University engineer Guillermo Fernández de la Garza was also honored for his 23-year career in that organization.

The document defines the foundations for the bodies to implement scientific research projects and programmes, as well as academic contributions and any other interest to be agreed upon; Provide support for the progress of actions created as part of this alliance, among other actions.

The alliance was formalized on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of FUMEC and the bicentennial of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States, called “a binational view of the future of science and technology”.

The agreement was signed by CVTT’s Director of Technology Services, Roberto García Ocaña, and FUMEC CEO, Eugenio Marín Aguilar.

As part of the Foundation’s anniversary activities, the work of Guillermo Fernández de la Garza, a mechanical, electrical and physical engineer from UNAM, was honored for his 23-year career at FUMEC, where he was its CEO.

At the meeting held in the Palace of the Faculty of Medicine, the former President of the National University, Francisco Barnez de Castro, emphasized that the Honorable knew how to promote the development of companies, organizations and society as a whole, based on innovation as an engine and transmission hub for the application of knowledge.

He added that Guillermo Fernandez has influenced countless people and organizations because of his high quality as a human being and his extraordinary ability to identify and promote the strategies most appropriate for each situation, and promote the development of a shared vision.

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As a member of the FUMEC Board of Directors, Barnés de Castro considered the celebration of three decades to confirm the multiple initiatives created under the leadership of Fernández de la Garza and which have matured into their high-impact programs that have gained national and even international recognition.

Among these initiatives, the following stand out: the technology business assistance system that has accompanied countless SMEs on their way to adopting innovations and successful strategies to enter new markets; The TechBA (short for Technology Business Accelerator), developed by FUMEC with support from the Ministry of Economy, to promote the acceleration of technology-based SMEs, helping them project themselves outside the country.

Likewise, ALÍATE, which aims to connect graduate students with micro, small and medium-sized companies to stimulate their technological and innovative capabilities, through the implementation of specific research, innovation and development projects, supported by the mentoring of research groups of participants. Universities.

It also supports entrepreneurs, women and producers in rural areas to stimulate innovation and social development, and facilitate their access to new markets. “FUMEC staff, promoted and led by Guillermo, played a key role in the design and implementation of these strategic programs that are today national standards.”

He highlighted Fernández de la Garza’s commitment to the education of children and young people, in particular to fostering an interest from an early age in the investigation and application of knowledge in real-life situations. This led him to promote, from FUMEC, the implementation of a National Program to Promote Innovation for Science Education or INNOVEC, “as it is colloquially known in Mexico.”

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