UMH is organizing a webinar on open data in health sciences on the occasion of Open Management Week 2021

As an initiative I promoted The Alliance for Open Government, Vice President for Research at Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) in Elche, together with the “Center for Operational Research (CIO)” of the UMH University Research Institute, organized a webinar on open data in the health sciences. Representatives of UMH, University of Alicante, Alicante Institute of Health and Biomedical Research and Generalitat Valenciana will participate in this activity tomorrow, Wednesday, May 19, at 11:00 am.

During the session, UMH researcher Sergio Padilla will explain in his conference the analysis of clinical pathways of patients admitted to COVID-19 in the Department of Health of the General University Hospital of Elche (ILISABIO Project 2020 A-32). After that, a roundtable on the usefulness of open data was set for the development of clinical decision support systems, with Maria Janos Cuenca González, Director General of Planning, Technological Competence and Patient Care at the Consellería de Sanitat Universal y Salut Pública, which would also open the law; Daniel Ruiz Fernandez from the University of Alicante; And Oscar Moreno Perez from ISABIAL. For his part, the Director General of Higher Health Research and Inspection at Conselleria de Sanitat Universal y Salut Pública, Javier Santos Burgos, will conclude the day.

The aim of this activity is to create a framework within which to discuss the availability and need for open data in health science projects. Some of the questions that the speakers will answer during the day will be about what the heads of public administration, scientists and professionals in the health sector are thinking; What are the current barriers to open data? Or what challenges the administration plans to address and what benefits a policy that prefers access to data might bring.

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The seminar will be broadcast live and to attend the event, you must pre-register via the following link:

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