Ulagos will host the next Oceanography Conference 2023

«The Chilean Oceanographic Society together with ULagos, which will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary in 2023, will organize, The forty-second in May 2023. Our motto is the challenge of research and communication in marine sciences,

Catholic University of the Sacred CordUCSC) was the venue for the XLI Marine Science Conference 2022 jointly organized with the Chilean Oceanographic Society (SCHCM) that this version was developed under the slogan “Marine Science in a Time of Change”.

During the conference, more than 500 participants took part in 382 presentations among undergraduate and graduate students and academics from national universities and from Peru, Colombia, Spain and Portugal, among other origins.

The University of Los Lagos, which will host the 42nd Congress of Marine Sciences in 2023, has attended 35 presentations in various formats. Most of the work has focused on physiological, ecological, genetic and oceanographic studies of marine species and their relationship to the environment, particularly in the northern continental Chilean Patagonia. There has also been work that has focused on human activities such as aquaculture, artisanal fishing and tourism on the marine ecosystem, explained Boris Lopez, an academic and researcher in the Department of Aquaculture and Agro-Food Resources.

Christian B. Canales Aguirre, Associate Professor at the Center I~ the sea And a member of the ULagos delegation, she highlighted the strong participation of i~mar center with 70% of its researchers as lead authors or co-authors in its various lines of research. The participating academics are Dr. Matthew Lee, Dr. Alfonso Gutierrez, Dr. Paulina Gibor, Dr. Evan Perez, Dr. Pamela Fernandez, Dr. Patricio Diaz, Dr. Jose Luis Muñoz, Dr. Jaime Montori, and Dr. Christian P. Canales Aguirre commented, “After two years of no physical contact at conferences with colleagues and students from other academic institutions, returning to face-to-face training has been energizing and full of joy to reunite. Knowing the different investigations being conducted across the country made me realize that Marine science has advanced despite the pandemic. I have no doubt that this enthusiasm will continue to generate excellent scientific collaboration and inter-institutional collaboration.”

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PhD student Claudia Rojas Doctor of Science, with mention of Conservation and Management of Natural Resources, took to the conference his paper “Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Larval Development of Social Immunity” which corresponds to the progress of his PhD thesis. “My participation in the conference was not only related to an exhibition of my work, but I also had the opportunity to attend presentations, whether on specific topics such as biology, marine invertebrates or oceanography, which are directly related to my research topic. I was able to participate in the discussion of global issues within the seminars. , particularly those related to climate change, science from a gender perspective, and scientific publishing In general, after two years of the pandemic, being able to come and participate in the conference was an opportunity to be able to share the knowledge, that we’ve accumulated at this time and we haven’t been able to socialize , as well as the ability to exchange ideas with other researchers, on our specific topics and those of general interest, besides forming connections for collaborative work with other researchers and laboratories from other universities.”

Together with Claudia Rojas, Elisa Clore and Pamela Muñoz, who are also students in the Doctor of Science program, they also presented developments in their doctoral theses at the conference.

For the work of the Marine Science Research Center I~ the seaadded presentations by academics, researchers from the Department of Aquaculture and Food Resources and students of the marine biology profession: Benjamin Espinosa, Alejandra Almonacid, Jonathan Guerrero, Emilio Davis, Felipe Muñoz and Elizabeth Guzman.

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The group of undergraduates from the “Blue Plastics” research center, led by academic Margarita Pérez, also participated. “I think it is very important for undergraduate marine biology students to be able to participate as exhibitors at the major conference in the field of marine sciences at the national level. The possibility to interact with researchers, both professors and students from universities and other research centers, allows them to learn what is being done at the national level. patriotism, and at the same time feeling that what they are doing and what they are doing through the seed base., is a contribution to knowledge. It also helps them to define a course of action that they like and realize that successful researchers are close human beings.Seed pool members met and were able to interact with Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa, marine biologist, scientist who descended to 8000 meters in the Atacama Trench, the first Chilean to go down to that depth.”

Benjamín Espinoza, a marine biology student, who is part of the Blue Plastic conservatorium, commented on his experience participating in the XLI Marine Science Conference “We show our work which consists of measuring the amount of litter or waste associated with COVID 19 in 3 beaches in southern Chile with different flows of People.I felt very comfortable in this experience because in my team made up of Alejandra Almonassid, Emilio Davis, Jonathan Guerrero, Tamara Rojas and our mentoring teacher, Dr. Margarita Perez, we have a very nice relationship and we support each other, we have felt so good as a team and so did the evidence he gave Our arboretum. I would like to continue research, present ourselves to new conferences, and contribute scientific knowledge to humanity.”

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At the end of his presentation, Dr. Boris Lopez of the Department of Aquaculture and Agri-Food Resources invited the present scientific community to 2023 version Marine Science Conference to be held in Puerto Montt whose theme will be the Science Communication Challenge.

. Because we believe that one of the debts we owe as scientists is to communicate science. We will provide spaces dedicated exclusively to this topic: seminars, workshops or courses, as well as all other complementary activities that are carried out at this type of conference “Dr.

In the recently passed 2022 edition, keynote speeches were given by Dr. Bernd Kroc, of the Alfred Wegener Institute – Helmholtz Zentrum for Polar – und Meeresforschung in Germany; Presented by Dr. David C. Barnes, British Antarctic Survey, NERC, Cambridge UK; And the intervention of Dr. Cristina Dorador, member of the Constitutional and Academic Conference, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Biological Resources, University of Antofagasta.

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