UK to impose hotel quarantine on travelers from countries with new strains

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed on Wednesday that the United Kingdom will impose a 10-day quarantine in hotels on travelers from South America, Portugal and South Africa over the new variants of the Coronavirus, and declared that it is “illegal” to leave the UK. State for “recreational” reasons.

In an appearance in the House of Commons (below), the conservative leader made it clear that in order to reduce the risks posed by the pandemic, anyone who cannot be prevented from entering the country – such as British citizens – will be isolated “without exception” in accommodations provided by the government for a period of 10 days. Upon arrival.

Anyone who cannot be prevented from entering the country – such as British nationals – will be isolated “without exception”

As part of a measure that the executive authority is contemplating for a few days to contain the spread of new variants of the virus, the British authorities will have employees who will go to the airport to accompany these citizens to take them to places of isolation. Arranged for this.

Direct flights to South American countries, as well as to Portugal and South Africa, have already been banned since mid-January, but British travelers can still return home via indirect routes.

Except for essential travel

“I want to make it clear that according to the stay-at-home regulations, it is illegal to travel abroad to travel for leisure (…). We will ask citizens in ports and airports why they leave and we will order them to go home if they have no good reason to travel,” he warned. .

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In his speech, Johnson also stressed that there is “evidence” showing that the vaccines currently given to protect against the Coronavirus are still “effective” against the new strain discovered in this country, which appears to be the most transmissible.

The vaccines that we are providing are still effective against the new variant that has been identified in London and in the southeast of the country. “

Boris JohnsonBritish Prime Minister

“I can assure you that all the current evidence shows that the vaccines that we are providing are still effective against the new variant that has been identified in London and in the southeast of the country,” Johnson said.

On this point, the Prime Minister added that his country “is on the right track to achieve the goal of providing the first dose (of the vaccine) to all those included in the four priority groups before mid-February.”

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Schools will not reopen before March

Johnson also cited another of the most disturbing issues, namely the current closure of schools – closed to the majority of students except for children of essential workers and vulnerable children – and their eventual reopening. In this sense, the “prime minister” has documented that the classrooms can be functional again after March 8th.

“If we achieve our goal of vaccinating everyone in the four most vulnerable groups with their first dose by February 15th, and with every passing day we see more progress toward this goal, these groups will have developed immunity to the virus for about three weeks after that. March “.

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Johnson is confident that the classes can be up and running again after March 8

In any case, the CEO predicted that his government plans to unveil in detail its plan to implement release from custody after the upcoming school holiday ends in February – 15-19 – during the week that will see. Beginning on the twenty-second of that month.

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