UK police detain truck with migrants inside; There are two detainees

UK police reported two men were arrested and six people were subsequently hospitalised A truck with migrants inside was discovered at the English ferry port of New Haven. According to the Sussex County Police Force, located in southeast England.

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Authorities said one of the detainees is suspected of facilitating illegal entry into the United Kingdom, while the second man faces charges of entering the country illegally. Six people were transferred to medical centers to receive treatment, without providing details about their health condition. Newspapers reported that so far no injuries have been recorded.

The police subsequently issued a statement highlighting its cooperation with the Customs Department The truck was discovered inside a ferry that arrived in the English port.

This incident comes at a time when the British Conservative government is in office New, tougher legislation is now being processed in Parliament to combat the arrival of migrants On irregular roads. This legislation contemplates sending migrants to Rwanda so their cases can be addressed there.

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