UK ‘pandemic’, when ‘some benefit, end up hurting others’ – RT Videos


3 before 2021 17:14 GMT

In this episode of ‘Keizer Report’, Max and Stacey comment on a BBC article on a report by the British Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee that claims the government’s response to the crisis has exposed British taxpayers to some “significant financial risks”. In Part Two, Max and Stacey continue talking to James Howard Kunstler of about the fiftieth anniversary of the Fiat.

The UK is suffering from an ‘epidemic’, a juxtaposition of the words between ‘epidemic’ and ‘ping’, and the noises mobile phones make when a British health system app warns a user it has been close to someone who tested positive for covid-19, forcing them to quarantine. health care for ten days, causing all kinds of disturbances in the country’s workforce, and consequently in the production of various goods and services.

Stacy Herbert notes that “there are already about 10,000 workers in the British food sector affected by this ‘pandemic’ and that there is ‘no end to the problem’, because even in a country like Australia, which has issued such measures as stringently as the absolute closure of the borders of the outbreak”.

Max Keizer sums up, “For some benefit, you end up hurting others,” who recalls that the British state’s economy is not at its best, and the national debt is on track to cross 100% of GDP.

“Now, after Brexit, the UK will not be able to wash its debts into that gigantic laundry that the EU has become,” says the presenter, noting that before the British government can deposit all of its debt into the banking system of a country The United Arab Emirates. The European Union is like any other member state in a community bloc.

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Another negative effect of Brexit, Max adds, is the transfer of many of the financial institutions that made up the City of London to continental Europe. “The next time Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s meet to give the UK’s credit rating, it will almost certainly make it triple.”

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