UK cross-border traffic is back to normal after Brexit – comment

The Commercial traffic flow On the border between UK and France It returned in February to levels comparable to those in 2020, removing the fear of long lines of vehicles after B.exclude Or depart from this country European Union (EU), I mentioned the BBC.

According to government data reviewed by the public chain, truck traffic from Southern Kent County, That gives access to France through Eurotnel And the Dover Port, sThis month is 98% of February 2020 levels, While the traffic from France is 99%.

Although in practice normal life is restored Movement of cargo vehicles, Compared to the fall recorded in January, the numbers show that around 50% of trucks entering the UK return to the European Union emptyThis reflects the export difficulties experienced by some British sectors.

to me BBCThis means that until now this month, There are between 1,000 and 2,000 fewer trucks per day leaving the UK with a loadThis is explained by both the new bureaucratic demands and the impact of the epidemic.

The The sectors most affected Because of the decline in exports, according to this analysis, those perishable goods, such as Agriculture and fishing.

According to the general chain, between 80 and 90% of carriers make it to Frontiers in Kent Comply with New customs requirements have been imposed since January 1, At the end of the transition period after Brixi.

By negatives about 2.5% were unable to cross the border in February for not presenting the correct documents, As against 8%, it was recorded in the early days of the new customs regime.

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