UK announces GCSE certification reform

UK announces GCSE certification reform. Students in the UK who are interested in studying GCSEs in Spanish, French and German will be able to benefit from the reform that will be implemented from 2024. The aim is to make course materials more accessible and attractive to students. , with more precise objectives.

After public consultation, the Ministry of Education confirmed these changesIt aims to enable students to excel in language learning. In the new GCSEs, students will be tested on the most common vocabulary used in speaking and writing, as well as grammar and pronunciation.

These changes will help teachers achieve measurable goals more easily and will help students increase their confidence and motivation. In addition, an approach based on different blocks can be implemented, which will allow students to more clearly see their progress in terms of their ability to understand and use the language.

Objectives with reform

The goal of the British government It is to have 90% of students study languages ​​by 2025. So far, the vast majority of GCSEs enroll in English, Mathematics, Science or Humanities. With this reform, more and more young people are set to also choose to study GCSE Languages.

The government’s consultation received 1,644 responses, indicating that the majority of language teachers agreed with the reform. Within a year, the changes must be implemented. In this sense, Education Minister Robin Walker noted that “the study of languages ​​opens up a world of new and exciting possibilities, and is important for a modern global economy. We want more young people to obtain a GCSE in languages ​​and enjoy learning other languages.”

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The revised GCSE will start in September 2024 with the first exams due in 2026. The reform includes examining students based on 1200 words at foundation level and 1700 at higher level. In addition, exam boards will select topics and topics for key vocabulary selection and at least 85% of word families will be selected from among the 2,000 most common words in the language. All this will ensure that the student, in the various assessments, knows the most common words.

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