UK agrees to fund space projects, including oxygen research robot – FayerWayer

The UK is taking a step forward in space technology, with a focus on power generation and the search for resources. The authorities approved the funds for projects such as a Oxygen is looking for a robot in space.

Another plant that also stands out is a power plant developed by Rolls-Royce To generate breathable water and oxygen outside our planet.

George Freeman, the UK’s science minister, has indicated that they will allocate 2 million pounds (about 2.3 million euros) in support to 13 projects, through the British Space Agency.

In addition to the developments in each discovery, These projects will also ensure that the people here on Earth benefit from new technologies, Including microreactors that have the potential to support our net net liabilities,” Freeman said in his speech at British Science Week.

British robot searches for oxygen on the moon

The oxygen-seeking robot is part of the Moon-RISE Robotic Survey of the Moon Project. It is developed by GMV and Harwell Space Cluster and has funding of £222,000 (around €250,000).

With Moon-RISE, work is underway to “identify and characterize the potential resources of the Moon through exploration and mapping,” according to the British Space Agency.

The autonomous prospecting concept will be tested with a mobile robot, robotic arm and suitable surveying and mapping tools.

The Moon-RISE rover will use an array of cameras and LIDAR for mapping during exploration, and the mineral composition will be analyzed using a laser-induced avalanche spectrometer.

The robot will display navigation, mapping, and prospecting in both surface and underground mines, as an analog to lava tube caves, which are a major theme of future exploration missions.

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Rolls Royce Space Reactor

Rolls-Royce is the company that will receive the most support from the agency. The space reactor project will be worth 249,000 pounds (about 280,000 euros) in boost.

The company is working on a space-saving, autonomous microreactor, the technology of which can also be used on Earth.

According to the British agency, “the high-powered space reactor will accelerate human exploration of the Moon, Mars and beyond, providing energy continuity for critical processes.”

The agency stresses that it will “enhance the generation of water, breathable oxygen, and rocket fuel from lunar and Mars exploration missions.”

More projects receiving UK support

Other projects are:

  • On-site resource plasma water purification system Southampton University. He received 130 thousand euros.
  • Advances in communications technology in deep space To improve crew health and performance in Exploration class missions – Braided Communications, Glasgow. He received 130 thousand euros.
  • Bits are not included: a new concept of deep digging – University of Glasgow. You will receive the equivalent of 115,000 euros.
  • Feasibility study for energy conversion technology Dynamic Radioisotopes for Lunar Surface Applications – University of Leicester. It will be funded by 80,000 euros.
  • Characterization of radiation from detectors Infrared for future Mars exploration – The Open University. You will get 120 thousand euros.
  • Injector development for landing unit applications – Brutulinch, Westcott. You will receive 224 thousand euros.
  • The development of the use of production technology On-Site Resources (DISRUPT) – TAS UK. It will be funded by 248,000 euros.

To view all projects approved by the British Space Agency, We invite you to the agency’s website.

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