UdeC has completed its NBA Champions League payroll

Dominican Axis Louis Santos, It became the latest promotion for Concepcion University With the intention of your participation in Basketball Champions League of America, The most important club tournament on the continent.

At the age of 26 years and 2.03 meters tall, Central America joins the Americans, Brandon Moss And the Dorrell Summers, Like new letters Aliens from Campanile, Which is added to by Evandro Arteaga’s historic presence, as the exclusive Chilean recruitment for the competition, which begins this weekend.

Ready for the premiere

Born December 6, 1994 in Imbert, County Puerto Plata, in the Dominican Republic, Santos moved to United State During the second season of high school in Saint Louis RaymondAnd the New York.

After two college basketball seasons in the US, at the University of South Florida, he averaged 3.7 points and 3.3 rebounds in 12 minutes of movement. In his third season, he went to St. Louis University where he was ousted from the team due to administrative problems.
In 2018, he arrived on the American continent for his first professional experience at Ciclista Olímpico de Santiago del Estero in Argentina, where he played 46 national league matches with an average of 7.9 points and 4.4 rebounds in 16 minutes of play. Later he went to Biguá in Uruguay, where he scored an average of 13.3 points and 7.5 rebounds.

In addition, he has an active presence in the national team with whom he played the Pan-American Games in Lima 2019 and was part of the pre-selection to finally play the World Cup in China. Likewise, in December he was in the last qualifying window from AmeriCup 2022 In quAnd the Dominican Republic Overwhelmed Cuba.

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Technical Director of Campanile, Sergio MontoyA, he indicated his appointment. “Our first choice was Anthony Kent, who was our player in 2018, but bureaucratic issues did not allow that. That is how his name appeared. .

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