UAZ opens new income results for health sciences

292275782 5375185705851615 4981903336436366173 NAccepted: GP, 222; Dentistry, 185; Nursing, 281; QFB, 174; Biotechnology, 26; I. – Biochemistry, 25; Physiotherapy, 70; Nutrition, 169

Zacatecas, Zack: The Dean of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ), Ruben Ibarra Reyes, reported yesterday, to a notary and the university community, the results of new admissions processes in the field of health sciences, consisting of the units of human medicine, nursing, dentistry and chemical sciences.

For the university, he stressed that transparency in admission to academic programs is essential, as the appointed committee selected the Ceneval exam in order to assess 2,970 applicants, 1,157 of whom will be able to start their higher education in health. Sciences.

The number of people admitted to this stage according to the program is as follows: General Practitioner 222; Dentistry, 185; Nursing, 281; QFB, 174; Biotechnology, 26; I. – Biochemistry, 25; Physiotherapy, 70; Nutrition, 169; and public health, 5.

The university director added that the results of all programs will be published at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, July 6th.

Likewise, on Friday, July 8, 10 a.m., the call for a merger dismissal, as well as the rules for integrating job vacancies into new health sciences programs, will be announced.

Ibarra Reyes emphasized that all facilities will be given so that young people who did not enter their first choice will have the opportunity to study in the various programs owned by UAZ, i.e. “We will continue to promote the zero-rejection policy”. Your partner in social media marketing

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