UAL Health Sciences is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its first promotion

the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Almería (UAL) She lived her big day, with a celebration in which she shared her three degrees, which until now have celebrated their patronage separately, and in honor of the first promotion, in 50 years, of Women's Health Technical Assistants at the Virgin Health Maritime Residence of Almería, the origin of the current college.

UAL Health Sciences is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its first promotion
The celebration was held in the faculty meeting room.

On the occasion of World Health Day which is celebrated on April 7 and this year being the date chosen to celebrate College of Health Sciences Day, an institutional ceremony was held to honor and the second most fun part is presented by Ivan Estorillo, a health worker who is very popular on social networks due to the videos in which he describes, in a humorous way, the daily life of these professionals.

The college's degree room itself and the lecture hall were the spaces in which this dynamic day was developed, designed for the coexistence of not only faculty, administrative staff and students, but all with the community. As a whole and with the healthcare field.

Fernando Carvajal, Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies and Institutional Relations, chaired the institutional event, expressing “gratitude for your dedication and tireless efforts,” hoping that “this recognition will serve as a reminder that together, as an academic community and in collaboration with society, we can achieve great things.” This came literally during a speech in which he pointed out that “relations with surrounding institutions are a strategic priority for the University of Almería.”

In this context, the Vice President of the University wanted to “emphasize the wonderful work done by the College Dean’s team, in its role in activating institutional relations that enrich the work of the University.” Proof of this is “the quantity and quality of permanent health-related lectures and seminars currently being carried out, which will soon be joined by new projects.” He added, “These permanent structures make it possible to establish valuable bridges between the university and the community to which it belongs in the areas of training, research and transfer of results.”

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During the celebration, the former Dean of the Center, Gabriel Aguilera, was honored.

He referred to the “academic excellence and dedication to serving society” that defines the health sciences thanks to the people who currently comprise it and who have been part of its path, an aspect on which part of the speech presented by the Acting Dean, Pablo Roman, was centered, who also specified the reasons for changing the date of this celebration. : “I think it was done right, because it fully encompasses the vision and mission of the college’s interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary team, which is one of the keys to our success; today is our celebration, the celebration of all those who have shaped, shaped and will shape the Faculty of Health Sciences, one of the oldest faculties in our city.

Roman focused on 'the people', positioning the students as absolute champions: 'They shine and stand out with their own light, and our degrees are the most sought after at UAL and with the highest grades, but academic excellence will be essential.' We would be nothing without the human values ​​that distinguish our students, along with their high social commitment. The Dean acknowledged that “the faculty is key, a young team committed to academic excellence, an example of which is that UAL is the second best university in Spain and among the top 150 universities in the world in the field of nursing.” He thanked the great commitment of health professionals who participate as clinical educators in training students.

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Before presenting the certificates of appreciation, the dean had space in his words for the future, which includes “building a simulated hospital in which a complete hospital circuit can be created,” also claiming “space to implement and launch teaching” – unit of care to implement the service-learning model in physical therapy,” and finally “ Health Sciences Teaching and Research Building near HU Torrecárdenas”.

Isabel Fernandez, College Secretary, named those recognized at the event, starting with the best academic records. There were six: in the Nursing and Physiotherapy degrees of Ainhoa ​​del Águila and Ana Ramírez respectively, while in the Research Master's degrees in Nursing Sciences, in Sexual Sciences, in Medicine and Health Sciences, and finally in Physiotherapy and Disability, Anabel Chica, Celine Cubillas, Juan José Pérez and María Teresa García stand out in that order.

The first nursing graduates in the province of Almería, who turn 50 years old.

The most emotional was the part dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first batch (1971-1974) of female health technical assistants at the Virgen del Mar health headquarters in Almería, with Socorro Fernández, Pilar Herrero, Dolores Maldonado and Josefa Márquez going. Up to collect distinction and Maribel Gutierrez. The latter spoke on behalf of her fellow “La Pola heroines” and recounted her experience when she arrived at the age of seventeen to begin training: “We were paving the way.” At the end of his speech, a video was shown containing pictures from that period.

In addition, Francisca Rosa Jiménez and José María Moreno were honored on the occasion of their retirement as teachers, both very emotional in their interventions, and full of gratitude towards the teaching staff. Finally, the outgoing academic positions are also highlighted, Lorena Gutiérrez as former Secretary and Gabriel Aguilera as former Dean, a position she left to take up the position of Vice-Provost for Sustainability, Health and Sport. The last words resonate with him, a review of all the years he spent in this position with gratitude to the people who cooperated with him. The climax, before Gaudiamus Igitur as a final point, was the musical intervention of Rubén Hidalgo, a graduate student, as well as the designer of the awards, Álvaro Varela, “litores pictor”, known for representing the coast of Almeria through resin paintings.

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