UAEM students will apply their knowledge in Codhem projects

CODHEM President Myrna Araceli García Morón and Director of the School of Political and Social Sciences at UAEMéx, Laura Elizabeth Benhomia Gonzalez, agreed on the importance of students applying the knowledge they gain in the classroom for the benefit of society.

Myrna Araceli García Morón and Laura Elizabeth Benhomia Gonzalez highlight the importance of this strategic alliance. (Photo: Private).

By strengthening cooperation links with the academic institution, the Chairman of the House of Dignity and Freedoms indicated that there should always be a general policy to establish the law and make the administrative procedures really useful, so it is necessary for the experts to state what is the best or most logical way to reduce availability and accessibility issues And proximity to a commodity or value that the state protects for people.

He expressed his desire to establish strategic alliances with the university and especially with the College of Political and Social Sciences, which aims to train professionals who build public policies, as they are analyzed in the human rights impact assessment carried out by Codhem. Whether the policy exists and is being applied or not.

Laura Elizabeth Benhumea González, expressed that the challenges are increasing for universities, as they not only bear the obligation and responsibility to train professionals in different fields, but primarily the need to train supportive and purposeful human beings, who truly contribute to the development of societies. Which has become an essential task, but they cannot do it on their own, which is why they ask for the support of organizations and institutions.

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He explained that students of the “Integrative Professional Learning” unit from the four degrees taught at the said college: political science and public administration, information management in social networks, and sociology and communication, will apply what they have learned in six semesters. Through the CODHEM project, which will be assessed and the degree they obtain will depend on their academic career towards their degree of studies.

The coordinators of the degrees in Political Science and Public Administration, Pedro Asgard Olivares López, also participated in the meeting. Information Management in Social Networks, Leonardo Ruiz Sanchez and Communications, Emilio Castellanos Alvarez; Liaison Coordinator of the said College, Ana Esperanza García Garcia; student Jennifer Puente Zwazo, assistant director Julita Hernandez Enriquez; and on behalf of CODHEM, Secretary General, Jesús Ponce Rubio; Director of the Legal and Advisory Unit, Mara Krizia Beltran Sanchez; and Managing Director for Administrative and Financial Affairs Manlio Paz Martell.



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