Tribute to Clemente Estable

May 23 falls Clement’s birth is stable. This date was enacted in 2004 as the Day of Researchers in Science and Technology in Uruguay, by Law No. 17749.

Estable was born in 1984 in San Juan Bautista, a town in the rural area of ​​Canillon County. Later, his family moved to Montevideo, where he began his studies as a teacher at the age of 15.

But his great mission was the biological sciences, to which he would begin to devote himself on his trip to Spain. He was awarded a scholarship to the Institute for Histopathological Research in Madrid, where he worked with Santiago Ramón y Cajal (Nobel Prize in Medicine 1906). He also studied in France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Monaco.

After returning from Europe, he continued his work as the principal instructor of the Conferences of the Preliminary Technical Inspection, which later became the Laboratory of Biological and Film Sciences. The Department of Cinematography was separated from the laboratory, thus leaving the Biological Sciences Laboratory, which began with the goal of research, cultural extension, and preparation of materials for schools.

For Estable, the state must recognize that the scholar has practiced a profession of national importanceIt was his responsibility to promote science and create appropriate conditions for researchers.

He was able to realize his ambition, which led to the establishment of the institute we know today as the Clemente Estable Institute for Biological Research.

Currently, this public institution has been devoted to the production of scientific knowledge in various fields of biological sciences for 95 years.

The enterprise has basic principles: profession, commitment and dedication. Promotes a vision based on collaboration and expression in science.

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Throughout these years, the Instituto Clemente Estable (IIBCE) has become a reference in scientific and technological matters, both nationally and internationally. Research is conducted in various fields, ranging from neuroscience to industrial agricultural biotechnology.

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